lundi 25 août 2014

Tai-chi lineage question

Hello folks,

I've been practicing taichi for a few months now, and I'm beginning to read about my art, style, and lineage. I've seen a lot of stuff about what constitutes a good teacher and a good school, and I think I'm happy with what I've got : my teacher looks (and feels when he demonstrates techniques) skilled, he teaches us the form and their martial applications, we do tuishou, etc. He's also planning to begin a wudang boxing class next month.

Compared to what I've seen at other tai-chi classes, he's what I'm looking for (with my extremely limited experience) : he's the only teacher I've been able to meet that does tuishou and/or martial applications, even if he doesn't currently do any kind of sparring (for lack of interested students), and he hasn't bullshited me once about mystically winning fights with my chi or told me that tai-chi was only for health and fitness - he's practicing with the idea that tai-chi is a real martial art.

Now, here's my question: has anyone heard about his lineage, and if yes, what can you tell me about it?

He's studied under master Wang Wei Guo, who studied under master Gu Lisheng, who was a disciple of Yang Shao Hou.

I've been looking for information about Wang Wei Guo on the net, but without much success, except from some youtube videos done by his students (I guess).

Is he known in the Tai-chi world? Respected? The form I'm learning looks like the Yang-style form, but is not exactly similar (to my still-untrained eye).

Here's a video of the first part of the form :

(Note : this isn't my teacher, and I'm not saying it's a good exemple of the form.)

I'm looking for anything, really. Opinions, ideas, things I haven't thought about... Anything you can tell me.

(edit : if the "questions and answers" forum wasn't the best place for the thread, I'm sorry.)

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