mardi 26 août 2014

Sore Fingers / Wrists

So I started BJJ about 2 or so weeks ago...I am going to my 4th class thursay, it nearly kills me but its so much fun...wish I had started 10 years ago!

Anyway -

I am getting what I believe is the usual sore hands from all the Gi gripping etc, is there something other than just resting my hands to help with this, or is it just case of keep training and it will eventually sort itself out? i.e. are there exercises / regimes to help my hands heal/strengthen?

I am also getting soreness in my ring finger on right hand in the first knuckle which hurts when you pinch either side, I know don't squeeze it is one solution :D.

What I am now interested in is -is there something I am doing wrong or is this mainly caused by excessive gripping on my part and torque of having my hands pulled from my partners collar especially during sparring where I am pretty much latching on to the other guy and hoping my size wears them down...which has worked a couple of times but I am sure this has limited mileage against more experienced practitioners.

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