mardi 21 octobre 2014

coasters in lake champlain

I often wonder why NY state doesn't get away from stocking non native species and focusses more on indigenous species. Obviously water purtiy and temp was/is an issue and non natives are hardier but I would like to think a well planned stocking program for something like a big Nipigon coaster brook trout population, with length requirements and bag limits much like the nipigon river system, would produce a trophy fishery for large sustainable brook trout population over time. The NY side has plenty of spawning tribs and shoals with upwelling springs and the water seems to be getting cleaner every year. I know that brookies are caught in Champlain from time to time and at one time long ago it supported a coaster population that was endemic to Champlain. It just seems to me it'd be good for NY state economy and local fisherman. Any thoughts or opinions?

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