mercredi 22 octobre 2014

DH and Martial Arts

Through my searching for a school someone pointed out an instructor I might be interest in that is in the area where I'm moving. However, I have a problem with this guy's dental hygiene. Maybe this isn't an issue in the East but it falls under "make the best first impression" here in the West, don't you think? Wouldn't the same apply to body odor or bad breath? How can you work with someone who smells and you can't stand to be around? Oh, and to top this, the person I'm speaking of is very well known in martial arts circles and even writes articles for martial arts magazines. My issue is that I keep seeing videos of this man, who I'm sure can afford invasalign, and his teeth are a turn off. I'm not speaking of one or two teeth that have jumped out of alignment but an entire mouth that clearly needs serious help. How would you deal with this issue? Would you skip this instructor completely or suck it up and take a few classes while making sure to not at the neglect of a 70 year old's mouth? Sorry if my post seems harsh. I'm not trying to hate on this guy. I know he's a nice chap and am told he's a joy to be around. I've just seen too many articles of his and videos where's he's teaching and his teeth are a huge turnoff. Thoughts?

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