mercredi 1 octobre 2014

Floodwood Pond loop

Hi all.

ast week I put up a quick post about a last minute, solo, opportunity to get out and do a hike/ canoe trip. Original post here:

Anyway... I went and as most of you know the weather last week was fabulous so I could not have stumbled on a better series of days to go.

I did the Floodwood Pond loop and as a beginner canoe camper it was a really good choice as some of you had suggested it would be.

I drove up on Wednesday and left Sunday.

And as someone said, Fish creek Pond was an over crowded freak show. Yuk. But I paddled through it pretty quick so ultimately no big deal and paddling the connecting creek was fun vs making a carry. Also it provided me an opportunity to stop off at the beach area and use the facilities, if ya know what I mean.

Some observations beyond that:

1- Fish creek was really shallow in places and at least one couple warned that it was so shallow that they turned back and just stayed in Floodwood. Personally I had no problem. But I was one person and gear and they were 2 with what seemed like a lot of gear so they were riding pretty low in the water.

2- Camping on an island = zero available firewood. Have a stove just incase.

3- The northeastern (only 2) campsite on Little Square Pond is a great spot but I'm not really sure if a tent that needs staking out will have much flat terrain on which to set up. Hammock campers will like this spot.

4- The bald eagle at Little Square Pond was present most of my stay there and provided a great show to watch.

I have tried to attach photos to this post and will when I figure out why I am unable to.

Basically I just wanted to say thanks for the suggestions from folks.

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