jeudi 2 octobre 2014

Why are 99% of Martial Art School Websites So Bad?

Hey guys and girls - I want to take my Son to a few different styles to see what he feels physically comfortable with.

I've spent the last week looking at school websites to see if there is anything interesting in my area.

Because of my career experience of online marketing, I can't help but notice how many club websites are not geared to encourage new students to join.

The information is hard to find, the designs do not instil trust and professionalism and makes me feel that i'll be taking my Son to a dirty back alley hall rent out.

I've actually spoken to a few people and they "Don't care wot the site looks like"

Surely if they were set up with student acquisition in mind, half of these clubs would still be open, have more students, be able to afford nice things like matts and training equipment.

Why does no one care?

Do instructors here feel the same way or are you stumped on how to increase student numbers using the internet?

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