dimanche 30 novembre 2014


Hi everyone. Just a quick intro post here. I train karate, tai chi, and iaido. In my day job I own and operate a personal training studio where I work as a personal trainer and strength coach. Looking forward to chatting with everyone about the martial arts, and training in general.

samedi 29 novembre 2014

Coming Home

In August, it will be ten long years since I was home last. Ten years is too long. I am planning to come back to New York, take the Adirondack Scenic Railroad from Thendara to Big Moose, then ride my fat-bike from Big Moose to Stillwater, then from Stillwater to Inlet by way of Carter Station and Rondaxe Road, past Woodcraft where I went to summer camp as a 10 and 11 year-old. The second half of the trip will be from Inlet to Indian Lake via the Moose River Plains. Have to get a non-resident fishing license and catch some trout. (The Moose is where I learned to fish, 50 years ago.) Right now I have three friends from my old NY SAR team and the National Mtn. Bike Patrol riding with me, plus maybe my cousin in Rochester's husband and son. Looking to be a four-day trip, more or less.

I have been debating whether to bring my 29er Volcanic MTB or my fat-bike (Currently a Surly Pugsley, by then it should hopefully be a Cogburn CB4) The first weekend of September one of my friends who is a veteran bicycle tour leader, suggested that I take my Surly Pugsley fat-bike on my planned bikepacking trip instead of my mountain bike. I did, and it changed everything. With the exception of several events that took place between then and now, I have scarcely been off the Pugs when riding. I have done a number of fall colors rides, explored some cool trails in a nearby state forest and have even done some volunteer trail patrol with a bike that I had previously relegated solely to winter use. The fat-bike, in it's 60-plus brand names, is changing the face of backcountry travel, and like many others I have been swept up in their success. The fat-bike takes me back to when I first started riding a bike as a kid, and experience the sheer joy of riding again.

See you on the gravel roads!


High level test preparation mental fatigue?

Yeah, couldn't find a good title.......It's a little hard to explain.

Has anyone here who has been preparing for a high level test experienced mental fatigue- I guess a sort of mild burnout?

I am one of the most gung ho people at my school. I LOVE to practice! I am there as much as my workout schedule allows and practice elsewhere on the day my school is closed. I go there on the holidays my school is open. I go there on my birthday when I have the day off. Because there is nowhere else I would rather be.

I am also trying to get ready to test for my black fringe in TCC when my GM comes down next spring. That is the goal. I may or may not make it. I have already been preparing for months. I am enjoying the process, the extra attention my Sifu is giving- something called observations in my school. Extra time/ lessons diverted from my CLf into my TCC.

But it's really intense and that intensity has been ongoing for awhile with it not changing for several months to come- at the very least.

It's not that I want to give up, but I am just mentally feeling a bit worn out. If it was stronger, maybe it could be described as burnout? Like I said it is hard to describe.

I am beginning to see why I have seen people so close to testing just quit. I never understood it before, but now, I wonder if this has something to do with it.

There is no way I would quit. But I am feeling a little out of it. I am pushing through it, but........

..........somedays I just think for a fleeting moment "I could just stay a brown fringe and just not worry about it.":o Yeah, I hate to admit it, but I just want to not have it looming over me.

Does anyone know what I am talking about? Has anyone here experienced anything like this? Am I just a mental wimp?

BJJ slamming vs wrestling slamming

So we all Know slamming in BJJ is a big no no. immediate DQ in every tournament I know of. However is this more from a technical perspective or from an unsportsmanlike conduct perspective? The main reason I question it is due to the liberal slamming rules in different wrestling variations like catch, greco, and freestyle. Not to mention its usage in MMA. All three allow slamming yet don't seem to run the injury rate you'd expect from something like that. ( that I know of )

Is slamming illegal due to the position you land inside the guard being very vulnerable to serious injury? or is it just because its a cheap low technical way to pass a guard- like small joint manipulation?

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kung fu in China

Is China still the best in regards to Kung Fu, or are there practitioners outside of china which are better?

Shuri ryu>?

Hey guys.

Found some karate schools near me and i was hoping for more information to sate my curiosity. They are under the Trias lineage.

Now what makes shuri ryu different then shorin ryu? When i was doing karate we had a day dedicated to general karate practice and on that day the 7th dan that tuaght it was in that style. Shuri ryu. (we were shorin ryu)

I noticed some things were different like how they held there zenpo dachi(front stance) and how they moved forward and backward from it. Bringing there legs together moving them in kind of a half circle. Kogeki i think he called it.

He also held his fist strangely, and advocated us do the same. It was odd with the finger held flat against the palm and the thumb over it. It felt dangerous to use...

So the two karate schools im looking at are led by a Robert Bowles.

I also read on the net that Trias may have fabricated his whole training history. What is the truth behind that?

The Brain and Sports Injuries

You'll all be aware that this week Australian cricketer Phillip Hughes lost his life after being hit by a cricket ball during a match.

They'll or course be an enquiry and hopefully a review of safety equipment used.

Hopefully all sports will take a look at the equipment they use and something good can come from his sad death.

I'm not saying sport should pad up their exponents from head to toe, just that we should all use the very best equipment available to us.

Today BBC Health has this article.


Phillip Hughes collapsed after being hit by a cricket ball at the top of his neck and the base of the skull.

One of the major arteries into the brain split and caused massive bleeding.

The brain is a very delicate and vulnerable organ, which is surrounded by the skull - a defensive wall of bone - and a cushioning fluid.

But it is not a simple case of the brain having specific weak spots.

"The brain is protected by the skull, but the upper neck is vulnerable," said Peter Hutchinson, a professor of neurosurgery at University of Cambridge.

He told the BBC: "We evolved to enable a neck with a lot of movement, but the consequence is a risk of injury to the vessels from excessive movement or direct trauma."

The vertebral arteries run up both sides of the neck and the blow from the ball caused a dissection, in which the artery ruptures.

Antonio Belli, professor of trauma neurosurgery at the University of Birmingham, said: "The vertebral arteries supply the brain stem, which controls breathing and heart rhythm, so I think that could be why he stopped breathing immediately."

Attachment 25689

Arteries in red, veins in blue

Types of injury

While vertebral artery dissections are rare, there are two common types of brain injury known as "focal" and "diffuse".

Focal injuries tend to be caused by falls and assaults. They are the result of a damage to one area of the brain, which results in a blood clot.

This occupies space and causes pressure on the surrounding brain, starving the organ of oxygen leading to brain cells dying. It is treated by removing the clot.

However, damage may not be confined to just the site of the impact - known as a "coup injury".

The brain floats inside the skull so can collide with the side of the skull opposite the impact causing a "contra-coup injury".

The front of Olympic rower James Cracknell's brain was damaged when he was struck on the back of the head while cycling.


The other class of injury is largely the result of high speed road accidents.

In diffuse injuries the damage is spread across the brain, which becomes swollen.

The pressure builds in the tight confines of the skull and the flow of blood can be impaired.

Treatment requires lowering the pressure in the brain.

It is also possible to damage the brain without a direct blow to the head.

The brain sits in fluid inside the skull and can bounce around if there is enough force.

In something like severe whiplash the brain can be shaken around the skull, even though no blow is delivered.

Mr Belli told the BBC: "Often what does the damage is not the direct impact, but rotational forces.

"You could argue from an evolutionary point of view, we're well designed to withstand a direct blow, but not engineered well to withstand the rotational forces in a road traffic accident."

Thinner walls

The skull itself does have stronger and weaker parts.

A region called the pterion, close to the ears, is the thinnest part of the skull so is most vulnerable to fracture.

But the relatively reinforced forehead and back of the skull can still be damaged.

"They may be thicker parts of the skull, but you can still fracture them if you transmit enough force," Prof Hutchinson noted.

"There isn't a safe point or a weak point, you get a lot of damage from the way the force travels through the head," added Mr Belli.

Lasting damage

Damage varies hugely from one patient to another - one patient who has a seemingly severe injury can show better recovery than injuries which appear minor.

Prof Hutchinson said it the lasting damage depended on where the damage was caused as "some areas are more critical".

"Bleeding in the motor cortex can result in paralysis while damage to the visual cortex would result in blindness."

He said sport was not taking head injury seriously enough, but changes in American football were driving reform.

"In terms of sport, the most controversial is boxing because it is a deliberate act, horse riding creates a lot of serious injuries, and rugby increasingly so.

"There are racing drivers who have had an accident in the early part of the weekend, raced the whole weekend and not remembered a thing."

"People need to be aware of brain injury."


Here is a very good article from the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and shows stats for TBIs for both recreational and sports activities.


So what are your thoughts on this week's sad accident and do you buy safety and training equipment because it's affordable, or because it's the very best for your sporting activity?

The Git's Coronary Bypass Bypass

For 20.11.2014

I'd promised meself if I walked out of the heart-speciality clinic without a date set for surgery, balloon catheters or dire pronouncements to get my affairs in order, that I would make some serious health related changes - which will really amount to a revolution of mindset - leading a lifestyle of fitness and health, rather than just attending classes once and a while, exercising - often begrudgingly - when it convenient and friendly to mood.

This log being for one of the ways I will attempt to fulfil that promise.

I had to miss the last couple of boxing classes due to familial commitments - which really, really sucks as I've never managed to push myself any where near the limits as those grizzled trainers can at the hole-in-the-wall where I take my classes.

Be that as it may, I did manage to finally stabilise enough ceilings joists in our basement to safely swing my 15st 5pounds on the stud mounted bars and rings that I'd put up without worry of rolling the beams and unsettling the acoustical flooring upstairs. Swinging on the gymnastics rings is ... well...is a goal! Flying through the air with the greatest of ease...n'yet...right now I'm just sort of ... hanging there, very stiff and not feeling too graceful, thinking of all the weight-loss diets I've ever heard of. I'm sure I resemble someone in the last stages of tetanus.

Pushing aside the nagging thoughts that I needed to get the MT bag hung first, run to the hardware store and begin picking out the steel tubing to make a rack with, relocate the speed bag platform...

It'd never end...I'd spend another month getting things "just right" and never use any of it.

As Ned tactfully pointed out when I was going on about it, You don't have to have everything - a skip rope, a bag - and most of all, the willingness to plow through one's own prison of procrastination.

Of course I knew that...but it helps to hear the obvious from someone else, from time to time.

When I miss class, I like to try to approximate much as possible, what's going on at the gym, so that is what's on the plate today. Other days will be for complimentary exercises, allied muscle groups and the like...

Class conditioning drills have been for 3 minutes ( or whatever number of reps, depending ) with 30 second rests in between exercises and a 1 minute rest on the last set of an exercise.

Its a walk in the park to some, I know, but that rate has nearly done me in during class - not able to complete the last set of some of the circuits at the end of the hour. Keeping in mind, my goal is improvement - being able to complete ALL circuits and prescribed sets in and for the time length given, the question is do I ease up a bit - a 2 minute circuit, for example or do I stiff-upper and carry on.

As the conditioning time is increasing each week in class and the rest period isn't, it wouldn't do for me to go backwards, so I elect to stay the 3 minute with 30 second rests course.

Everlast makes those crakin' Interval Training Round timers and I'ma glad I've one.

Warm-Up ( No rests in between)

skipping - 2 minutes

jumping jacks - 20

kneehugs/knee raises 30 seconds

Drills (all on 70lb bag) time rest

jab, jab, cross 3min 30 sec

jab, cross, left hook to head, right hook to head 3min 30 sec

jab to body, cross to head 3min 30 sec

jab, body shot, jab 3min 30 sec

combination eights 3min 1 minute

rope skipping ( beginning to get winded now ) 5 minutes 1 minute

rapid left/right straights 3 minutes 30 sec

jab to head cross to body, right MT low kick 3min 30 sec

jab, cross, right MT low kick, jab, cross, switch - left MT low kick, jab, cross, switch 3min 30 sec

jab, cross, right MT low kick, jab, cross, switch - left MT low kick, jab, cross, switch 3min 30 sec

( I'm heaving, gassed out, face numb but continue )

burpees (no longer able to make complete spreads on the last ones) 3min 1min

right low kick, right body kick, switch left low kick, left body, switch 3min 1min

rope skipping (barely able to get the feet off the ground, last one's just drop the rope on 3min 1min

the floor and jump over it - god almighty I can only go up from here, right?

vendredi 28 novembre 2014

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They will shook palms to make Glowing blue Lace Sporting activities, pledged $500 each and every and also put their particular initial buy regarding 3 hundred twos regarding shoes or boots inside Jan 1964. Knight marketed the particular shoes or boots out from the shoe regarding his / her environmentally friendly Plymouth Valiant, although Bowerman started out removing separate Competition shoes or boots to find out just how this individual will make these light and also far better, and also enrolled his / her School regarding Oregon joggers to be able to wear-test his / her projects. Basically,miesten nike air max 90 suomi the inspiration regarding just what would certainly grow to be Nike was proven. Yet Bowerman and also Knight each and every acquired full-time careers : Bowerman with Oregon and also Knight with a Portland data processing company : so they really necessary you to definitely control the particular increasing specifications regarding Glowing blue Lace Sporting activities. Get into Rob Johnson, which Knight acquired achieved with Stanford. Any jogger themselves, Johnson started to be the initial full-time staff regarding Glowing blue Lace Sporting activities inside 1965, and also swiftly started to be a great energy person for your start-up business.

Phil Knight has been any skilled middle-distance jogger coming from Portland, which enrollment with Oregon inside late 1955 and also competed regarding Bowerman's observe system. After graduating coming from Oregon, Knight attained his / her MBA inside fund coming from Stanford School, in which this individual published any papers in which offered top quality jogging shoes could possibly be manufactured in The japanese that will take on competent In german brand names. Yet his / her correspondence to be able to suppliers inside The japanese and also Parts of asia travelled unanswered,nike air max thea 2014 suomi thus Knight got the opportunity. This individual produced any cold-call around the Onitsuka Corp. inside Kobe, The japanese, and also asked producer regarding Competition shoes or boots to produce Knight any supplier regarding Competition jogging shoes in america. If the initial pair of trial shoes or boots came, Knight dispatched many twos to be able to Bowerman, wanting to produce a selling. As an alternative, Bowerman taken aback Knight simply by supplying to get his / her spouse, also to offer his / her shoes or boots layout suggestions to Competition.

Pre inhibited Bowerman, Johnson and also BRS generally speaking to be able to stretch out their particular imaginative skills. Subsequently, this individual started to be a robust ambassador regarding BRS and also Nike right after this individual graduated coming from Oregon, creating quite a few performances for BRS and also mailing twos regarding Nike shoes or boots to be able to possible joggers in addition to private records regarding support. His / her sad dying with age group twenty four inside 1975 minimize quick just what several considered could have recently been a great unrivaled job inside observe – during his / her dying,miesten nike air max suomi this individual used U . s . data inside more effective ranges coming from a couple of, 000m to be able to 10, 000m. Yet Prefontaine's spicey character lifestyles about inside of Nike; Knight provides usually mentioned in which Pre could be the "soul regarding Nike. "Nike Oxygen push gents boot can be a boot in which seems well-defined inside the strong established shades. The particular boot will come in a great glowing blue, african american reddish or perhaps glowing blue shade, using a translucent Nike mark privately. It's got any plastic outsole regarding grasp and also toughness. It's got oxygen only product shock absorption and also cushioning together with quality buckskin around the higher locations.

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Situational Intervention / Averted Road Rage

I'm not really sure whether this belongs here, it could be classified as more of an "odd event" than an instance of self defence, but here goes:

I was at work today, on the phone and looking out of the window, and a guy (maybe 75+) on a mobility scooter was riding along the road, turning towards the pavement to bump up it at the same point as an access to a car park. Instead of bumping up the kerb, he scrapes along it and starts to off balance. I quickly ended my phone call and went out to help him, suspecting that he had fallen off.

Thankfully, he hadn't fallen off, and was next to his scooter picking up some broken off part.

Also at this time (as I was crossing the road), another guy (maybe in his 50s) in a 4x4 was trying to pull out of the car park (broken scooter old man was in the way), and was beeping his horn, revving his car so it was lurching towards the old guy, and gesturing and shouting.

Seemed unnecessary.

Anyway, thinking that 'this is not something I can allow to continue', I told the scooter guy not to worry and went around to the side of the 4x4, knocked on the window with a friendly smile on my face. As the window was rolled down, the crimson 4x4 guy's face turns towards me and before he can say anything I say (sincerely) "hi mate, can you give us a hand, his scooter's bust?"

This is the strangest part: 4x4 guy instantly switches from heart-attack-inducing levels of rage directly to "oh yeah, no problem", turns off the engine and gets out to help!

Anyway, we fix the scooter (push the rubber tyre back over the rim) make sure scooter guy is ok, congratulate and thank each other and all get in with our day.

The thing that struck me as being really surprising was the 4x4 guy's instant switch of focus from ultra road rage whilst in the sealed shell of his vehicle ("how dare anyone delay ME?") to concerned citizen in a single heartbeat. Must have been my ugly mush, heavy eye brows, beard, metal t-shirt, charming smile and sincere desire to help...

I suppose it was 'self defence' in that I stood up for my beliefs, and defused a potential road rage conflict. It might have been none of my business, in sine people's eyes, and there may have been a small risk of the 4x4 guy turning his rage on me, and yes a vehicle can be a lethal weapon, but I would still rather help out the old dude who was getting grief for almost falling off his scooter.

There were other people in the street and on the pavement, but no one else joined in, about 7 people walked past as I was crossing the road and taking to 4x4 guy.

Anyway, has anyone else experienced (or induced!) a similar rapid switch of focus that averted a potential physical conflict?

Would anyone have done differently and, if so, what and why?

So... Kron Gracie thinks he only needs BJJ...

If he really tries to only do BJJ and nothing else in the UFC he is doomed.


Fighting again next March!

After a reasonably decent first fight followed by half a year of injuries, illness and laziness I'm finally fighting again.

So, on March 7 I'll be fighting on Shock n Awe 19, which is awesome because fighting on SnA has been my goal since I took up mma so I am very excited.

It'll be an ammy fight, 3x3 minute rounds, at 145 pounds. Apparently there are two opponent options for me: One is a fellow I watched fight at the last SnA which I really wish I'd paid more attention to or could remember anything about. It'd be an interesting one as he's more experienced than me having fought on a big show already, but he has been tapped by a training partner of mine which gives me some confidence. He normally fights at 135 though so my coach thinks its unlikely he'll take it which is fair enough.

I am doing an mma interclub next Sunday and I'm told if its an alright fight I'll probably just get matched against him so that'll be cool.

Some mild nervousness for this as my stand up still needs work. Starting to attend boxing classes a few times a week from now on so hopefully by the time March rolls round I'll be slightly better at not blocking punches with my face :p

Soooo yeah. That's it really. Obviously, if anyone fancies being around Portsmouth on March 7 and buying a ticket off me that would be lovely as I do have sales to make :hat:

There's normally a party after the show too so it'd be a nice chance to chill out and have a couple drinks with some of you.

Not much else to say really other than that I'm incredibly excited to get to fight again, especially on this show. If I do this and literally nothing after then I will have achieved the big goal I started aiming for 3 odd years ago. It's going to be a very awesome night :D

SIm training day

DART day tomorrow with JWT and several members of our club ...

Photos to follow !!!

Smurf :Angel::Angel:

Star Wars epsiode 7

There have been a few fan made / fake trailers released this past week, that have been passed off as the genuine article, but the official (teaser) is finally upon us...

...and what can I say, except that I am giddy beyond belief, in my special little boy place...



Nixed on Mixed Dix.


I left directly from work anticipating a very early start the next morning and would do Dix-Hough-Dix. The trouble began at the border when the snow commenced. It began to look like I’d be getting to bed later than my “best-laid- plans”. There were cars in the ditch and at my exit, no. 34 onto the 9N, the Northway was closed and all southbound vehicles were shunted onto the 9N. I got stuck behind an 18 wheeler and a long line of cars doing about 25mph. 3 of us with Quebec plates pulled out to pass the line of cars all bearing New York plates. Then, further down the road, the lead Quebec vehicle, upon making the hard right handed turn as you leave Ausable Forks, slid into the guard rail and made a mess out of the left-hand side of his vehicle.

In Keene, I filled my tank and prepared my gear to have to walk up the hill to Scooterville. Sure enough there was a vehicle stuck part-way up the first steep hill and I spent 30 minutes trying to help out before giving up and spiked my way up. Looking out the window I saw a vehicle slowly make its way to Randomscoots cabin and then a second vehicle slid off the road and remained at a tilted angle. We managed to get the vehicle turned around (very hairy watching the big 4wd truck slide like a sled) and clear of the road so the plow would be able to come through later that night..

It was nearly midnight when I went to bed and I decided not to set an alarm, which was wise. I awoke at 7:30!

End of preamble

And after the usual fussing around I got underway at 9:00. I was the only car in the Round Pond lot and no one had signed out for 3 days. The trail was covered by a uniform blanket of beautiful fresh white snow. I call it a trail but we all know it’s really a rock and root filled deepening rut cum waterway. It took me 25 minutes to get to Round Pond. I had guesstimated 5 hours to Dix. The beautiful snow hid all of the irregularities and so when stepping my ankles would rapidly invert or evert and my weight would rapidly slide into the inter-obstacle crevice. My center of gravity was thus tossed about willy-nilly like small ship in stormy waters and my trunk muscles and arms got terrific workouts.

From the TH I made it to the Noonmark junction in 1:26 which I decided wasn’t that bad in spite of the energy expenditure. The woods were awesome. Deadly silent and muffled. The “trail” in addition to be strewn with impedimenta was either very soggy or under water. Keep on trucking! I was surprised to find someone ensconced in the LT. He had come in when there was no snow and had walked from the Hostel and had taken the Noonmark trail from the AMR parking area. We chatted a bit and off I went. The river was easy to cross so I left my Crocs in the LT, saving a nearly pound of resistance training. This was made up for by the snowshoes strapped to my pack.

The trail after the LT grew increasingly difficult and I stumbled continuously over non identified lying objects and stepped into water that luckily never soaked through my new Summit county boots . I wore Hillsounds and the snow balled up relentlessly. Usually I could scrape it off but often I had to pulverize the globs with my hiking poles. Finally, I approached the slide ( tell-tale thicket of saplings) and began punching through into too-deep water but somehow managed to keep my feet dry. I skirted that section and got onto the lower slide. Here I punched through with every little step into 4-6 inches of slush and when I made the traverse to the cairn and the woods the water had dammed up into greater depths under a half inch of ice. There were views part-way up Noonmark and Giant-RPR .

I entered the woods to be free of the wind and spent some time repairing one Hillsound (torn rubber eyelet) with tie wraps, feeding, watering and jettisoning some 5 pounds of ballast. The hour was getting late-ish but I decided to keep moving further away from my car and all it represented. The ascending wasn’t too bad but I worried about the descent so I down-climbed a particularly steep section and was re-assured. It was difficult to assess whether I was stepping onto ice or rock or roots but all in all it wasn’t bad. However, I began to detect a wavering in my enthusiasm. I already knew that the summit was out of reach as a function of the fullness of my bucket-of-life. So, in some ways I was just putting in time working hard, going nowhere slowly.

I did some mental arithmetic and said, “that’s it”. I checked my watch and saw I had left the slide 30 minutes ago. I descended gingerly in 25 catching my Hillsounds points on all the unidentified lying objects beneath the snow. Try as I might I couldn’t prevent this catchiness from occurring so I went very, very carefully. Down at the slide I re-attached the snowshoes and picked up my heavy camera and reversed the long approach walk. I decided to beat all of my splits and actually attempted to shuffle/jog down the trail, which was not intelligent, but I did it anyway. I found that by increasing my speed my loss of balance increased by an exponential function and to boot I was now getting spun around. I was glad to pause at the LT and chat with its denizen who would be attempting Dix-Hough-Dix himself.

The segment from the LT to the Noonmark junction was the easiest of all, although I discovered there are a great many gentle uphills along the way. Once I was down at Round Pond I saw many fresh beaver trails in the snow and heard several tail slaps in the darkening gloom. The surface was glass calm and there was a bit of light left. I signed out after 9 hours of getting spanked and someone (Winn reach?) had drawn a smiley face next to my name and wrote, "if that’s Neil".

When I got to my car I was very happy to have turned around when I did. I think you can conclude by my report that the conditions are not quite at their ideal level.

For Sale Sierra Designs Winter tent $250

Mountain Meteor 2 person. Think app 2 years old. Used in my yard once for testing and used last winter at Barnes Field for a VFTT gathering. Blue and yellow, looks like this. I have to sell gear because I want to buy a canoe and my wife is angry with me. $250. If interested we can talk about shipping, or meeting somewhere between, depends on where you live. I will also set it up hopefully sometime this weekend and put up pics. I think I have pics from Barnes Field. My friend will put it up on e bay. Thanks David

ps, it hurts to list this :(


AUD en hausse sur les dépenses d'investissement

Les marchés des changes ont connu une séance calme en Asie, l'activité étant ralentie pour cause de Thanksgiving. Les indices asiatiques ont évolué en ordre dispersé. Le Nikkei a ainsi lâché 1.1%, tandis que le Shanghai composite a pris 0.4% (toujours soutenu par la réduction des taux de la PBoC) et le Kospi a gagné 0.2% (les futures sur S&P et Eurostoxx sont en légère hausse). Confiné dans une...



En savoir plus sur le broker forex ACM (Advanced Currency Markets)

Pas de réduction des quotas de production de l'OPEP, hausse généralisée de l'USD

Sur les marchés des changes, le dollar a connu une progression généralisée après la journée fériée d'hier. L'EURUSD a fléchi à 1.2450, tandis que l'USDJPY a grimpé à 118.30. L'USDKRW etl'USDMYR ont tous deux lâché environ 0.8%, tirant les marchés des changes émergents d'Asie à la baisse. L'AUDUSD et le NZDUSD ont reflué à 0.8486 et 0.7830 respectivement. L'USDRUB a bénéficié d'une bonne demande,...










En savoir plus sur le broker forex ACM (Advanced Currency Markets)

Kata from a conceptual perspective

This will probably be mostly personal opinion, rather than a clear cut right/wrong type of thing...

DIfferent orgs have different approaches, as do different Ryu, etc, we've all seen completely different versions of the same kata, Omote, Ura, Kihon, Henka, sometimes to the point of it seeming like something different.

This stems from what's being transmitted in the kata, beyond the specific techniques themselves to the concepts and strategy being handed along.

So my question for you is, in your opinion, using the basic concepts being transmitted, how far can you deviate before what you're doing becomes a different kata altogether?

Black Friday Madness in the UK

This is just bonkers, reports are coming in from all over the country of shops being shut down and assaults all over the place. I wouldn't mess with these crazy shoppers.


jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Apacer UHS-I U3 Card for Professional Photographers

Apacer launches the brand new specification UHS-I U3 (UHS Speed Class 3, U3) memory card, which is designed for professional photographers and shutterbugs alike, as well as microSDHC/SDXC UHS-I U3 top-speed memory card for tablet PCs and smart phones. Apacer focuses on the latest UHS-I U3 interface specification, which boasts a read/write speed up to 95/85 MB/sec. With an ultra-large capacity choice of 128 GB provided, it can easily and quickly read/write 4K, 3D or even 4096×2160 ultra HD videos. Compatible with SDHC/SDXC or microSDHC/SDXC interface and featuring waterproof, anti-shock, anti-magnetism, X-ray proof and heat resistance, Apacer’s UHS-I U3 is highly competent in various harsh working environments

The industry-leading read/write speed of 95/85MB/sec makes things easy for you

The difference between professional photographers and amateurs lies in the ability to grasp those important while fleeting moments! To unleash your professional skills and record precious memories, a memory card with high read/write speed and stable quality is indispensable for you. Apacer’s latest generation of ultra-high speed memory card, UHS-I U3, applies to high performance D-SLR, D-SLM cameras as well as 4K digital video recorders. The memory card's read/write speed of 95/85 MB/sec. conforms to the UHS-I Speed Class 3 newly established by SD Association, ensuring outstanding write speed of 30 MB and above. It can easily fulfill the tasks and capture perfect pictures whether it is to record 4K2K ultra high definition videos, to transfer time-consuming big files, to make 4K HD videos or to conduct RAW continuous shooting!

Multiple protections and 128 GB ultra-large capacity consummate your records

Apacer SDHC/SDXC UHS-I U3 memory card are provided with capacity choices of 32 GB, 64 GB and 128 GB, and compatible with major read-write devices in the market. In order to work well in different weather and shooting conditions, Apacer UHS-I U3 is equipped with features of waterproof, anti-shock, anti-magnetism, X-ray proof, heat resistance and more. It is equipped with a built-in Write Protect Switch and the function of Error Correcting Code (ECC), protecting your precious photography and video materials with the highest standards of tolerance. The new series is designed with the colors of black and gold, manifesting the uniqueness of this premium item.

High-speed microSDHC/SDXC UHS-I U3 64 GB is simultaneously launched, aiming at creating fluent and flawless digital experience

Apacer takes the lead and simultaneously launches 64GB microSDHC/SDXC UHS-I U3, which has a read/write speed of up to 95/85 MB/sec. and satisfies the expansion need of smart phone, tablet PC and other mobile devices. It brings users the smooth and flawless usage experience no matter when using Facebook, shooting photos and videos, browsing photo galleries, surfing the Internet, using map navigation or playing games. For users who frequently access App and games or watch Full HD videos, it can satisfy the requirements on large capacity and high transmission speed in addition to giving play to its storage performance as a mobile device.

Brand new packaging and full series of memory card for better choices

In addition to UHS-I U3 95/85 memory card, Apacer’s full series of memory card is simultaneously launched with brand new packaging. The new packaging adopts the most representative Apacer green as its base color. It strengthens the brand identity, highlights the capacity and speed marks, and distinguishes the Standard/Medium/Premium level series by different colors, making purchasing more convenient for consumers.

Happy Thanksgiving

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all our American MAPpers. No matter where you are I hope you got to enjoy the day :)


Silat Cekak Hanafi

Has anyone here got experience with this system?

Shorin Ryu vs Gyoku Ryu

possible seminars in conjunction with the Goju club I'm at. I know Shorin doesn't have very low stances, but otherwise I'm not sure on the differences specifically. Anything I should expect?

Wanted: size 44-45 nordic 3 pin ski boots

Im looking for a cheap but usable pair of 3 pin nordic norm style ski boots in size 44-45(or 11 US). Preferably around plattsburgh area, but I dont mind driving a ways if price is right. Thanks

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Diet change weight gain?

Hey guys, 3 weeks ago i switched off of low carb. I just was not recovering from hard work outs. Instead of a day or two it would take a week to recover from a hard work out.

So 3 weeks ago i went to a more normal diet with carbs and what not while following the numbers i got from the various calculators. Which normally are very close to right for me.

I have been trying to keep my calories at about 2600 aday. Which according to the calculators should be 500 under maintenance for me. Protein at 240 and carbs about 160-180 aday..

I expected some weight gain but not like this. I started at 303lb then immediately jumped to 306 now im at 311lb. This is over a period 3 weeks.

Can someone who knows what their doing help me.

I wouldnt have posted here as this is a dead forum but i can get into starting strength their password recovery tool is messed up.

Windsor Brokers - Short Term Technical Analysis for Majors (07:45 GMT)


The Euro accelerated from 1.2440 trough and eventually broke above 1.25 barrier. Rally spiked at 1.2530, however, subsequent consolidation was not able to hold 1.25 handle, where the pair closed yesterday. Corrective pullback should be contained at 1.2440 higher low, to keep the structure intact for fresh attempts through 1.25 barrier. Completion of Three White Soldiers reversal pattern and break above 1.2480, daily 10/20SMA’s bull-cross / daily Tenkan-sen line, requires close above 1.25, to confirm reversal and resume recovery rally towards next barriers at 1.2545, bear-trendline, drawn off 1.2884 peak, then 1.2563, daily Kijun-sen line, ahead of breakpoint at 1.2597, 19 Nov lower top of larger descend. Conversely, extension of pullback from 1.2522 high and close below 1.2440 higher low / 50% retracement of 1.2360/1.2530 upleg, to sideline near-term bulls and mark top at 1.2530.

Res: 1.2500; 1.2530; 1.2545; 1.2563

Sup: 1.2465; 1.2440; 1.2400; 1.2371


Cable broke above near-term range tops and cracked important 1.58 barrier, psychological level / Fibonacci 61.8% of 1.5939/1.5588 downleg / daily 20SMA. Corrective action off fresh high at 1.5823, is under way and should be ideally contained at 1.5735, Former range tops / Fibonacci 38.2% of 1.5588/1.5823 upleg, while extension below 1.5700 support, 50% retracement, reinforced by daily Tenkan-sen line, would undermine near-term bullish structure. Fresh attempts above 1.5800/23 barriers, to open 1.5884, daily Kijun-sen line, for possible full retracement of 1.5939/1.5588 bear-leg, on extension.

Res: 1.5776; 1.5800; 1.5823; 1.5856

Sup: 1.5745; 1.5735; 1.5700; 1.5678


Near-term structure remains weak and the pair cracked base at 117.33, following recovery rejection at 118.56 and subsequent descend. Repeated close in red suggests further weakness, which requires close below 117.33/20, previous base / daily Tenkan-sen line / daily 20SMA, to be confirmed. Fresh extension of the pullback from 118.96 peak, to look for 116.80, 4-hour cloud base, then 116.51, Fibonacci 38.2% of 112.56/118.96 ascend, below which, acceleration towards 115.44 trough, could be expected. Corrective rallies should be ideally capped under 118 barrier, just above mid-point of 118.56/117.25 downleg.

Res: 117.56; 117.75; 118.00; 118.28

Sup: 117.20; 117.00; 116.80; 116.51


The pair bounces after break below key 0.8539 support, also probed below psychological 0.85 level. However, yesterday’s positive close could be a signal of stronger recovery, in case the price returns above 0.8636, daily Tenkan-sen line and 50% of 0.8794/0.8784. Further recovery and close above 0.8700, daily Kijun-sen line, to confirm false break and re-focus pivotal 0.88 barrier. Otherwise, corrective rally is expected to leave lower top, ahead of fresh weakness, as overall picture remains bearish and keeps short-term focus at the downside.

Res: 0.8636; 0.8565; 0.8700; 0.8720

Sup: 0.8561; 0.8528; 0.8511; 0.8478

Clubs in the Peterborough (UK) area

Hi all,

I’m looking at something in the Peterborough area. I’ve done MoJ Control & Restraint and a little bit of boxing so I’m more interested in striking/grappling over lots of showy kicks. I’m a 35yr old bloke who’s not as flexible as I have been (but that can change) and I’m aiming to do an MA to lose a little weight and add to my fitness.

There are a few places around that I’ve looked at online but I’d like some reviews if anyone has them. I’ll most likely try a few before I decide but I like to go in with some background.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Nike de andadura libre

Entonces, ¿cómo nadie ocasionar tráfico a fin de commun carrito de golf o qual buscaba en la tienda de internet? El placer es la optimización de motores de búsqueda o dom optimización de motores hun búsqueda. nike free 5.0 baratas,Con el fin de qual los ciudadanos de hoy se pueden obtener a través hun su torre del galardón, que principalmente se debe desembuchar de forma natural en un sitio web mis resultados finales SERP to investigación coche. El alto normalmente en la página dom internet vasta, los visitantes considerablemente más específicas o qual realmente conseguirá mientras la mayor parte de la gente en estos esta utilizan esta red por otro lado en particular, raramente empresa externa de los resultados del tercero World Wide Web de una projimo. Dirigido a todo la gente va lanzado allí, sinceramente es muy difícil o qual se puede encontrar correctos excelentes zapatos de naturaleza para por lo general las personas el cual gustan de correr con el fin parcialmente. Recientemente hay aquellos variedades de shows relacionada usted para la fabricación de una decisión, nike free run 2,se puede obtener en el dolomite libre ejecutar y se había generalmente sabio para su familia para elegir hacerlo. El calzado se ejecuta dará a nadie suntan sorpresa y para el factor que contribuye en verdad es capaz de tener cada uno un abatimiento excelente. Hay comodidad, flexibilidad y además tanto multiple envueltos en un excelente individuo. No importa quién se va a usar estos zapatos, que será una deleitoso sorpresa al zapato esta puede son su peso tan ligero.

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Among Nike's main rivals

Los hinchas del FC Barcelona podrán expresar su pasión durante el club personalizando este modelo Air Max 1 trick el escudo del Tavern? a. A través del programa dom personalización NikeiD disponible en la tienda online oficial del Bar? a, los addicts podrán elegir entre alguna gran variedad de opciones para personalizar las míticas Air Max 1 . Los hinchas del FCB podrán apartar cada detalle de tus Air Max 1: desde the? adir un eslogan o una personalización iD en la parte interior de la lengüeta; seleccionar la mediasuela (clásica Max Air o are generally amortiguación elástica Lunarlon); e hasta personalizar los cordones. La imaginación, nike air max 90 pas cher como el siguiente amor por el organization, no tiene límite. Cada exemplar será único y auténtico. Marc Bartra, jugador del primer equipo, ha sido el primero en personalizar sus nuevas Air Max 1 paralelamente a la instagramera Misshedwig, o qual también es directora fuente arte y ha compartido con el jugador una jornada de dise? o. Siguiendo los consejos hun Misshedwig, Bartra ha utilizado colores flúor y vistosos y ha optado por poner su nombre ful apellido en la lengüeta fuente sus zapatillas Air Max 1 FCB.

Nike's valuation will not appearance all that attractive at first with trailing and ahead PE ratios over twenty. Many investors would consider the PE and dismiss the particular share as too full of value. However , history signifies that Nike's PE ratio was above 50 back the particular 80s and above 58 in the past due 90s. Although stock cost experienced punition alongside those of the broader marketplace, Nike has gone to obtain fresh highs on the long term. nike air max 1 premium femme Investors have a tendency to give the talk about a premium price because of its strong fundamental performance.

Nike features achieved consistent yearoveryear elevates in earnings, so investors are prepared to pay a high quality for this regularity. There aren't a lot of00 unfavorable surprises. The business will do a good work of gathering or maybe exceeding its earnings objectives, so investors are prepared to fork out up because of this quality. Together with the share currently investing which has a PE over 20, Coleman nevertheless has some room to be able to cultivate as the economy treatment. The following chart demonstrates Nike's PE ratio can climb very high prior to the stock encounters a correction. The existing economical growth should assist contribute to Nike's revenue as well as income growth. Among Nike's main rivals, Germanybased Motorola, is investing with a bigger trailing PE of 39. Adidas's earnings haven't also been as constant as Nike's in the last few years. Adidas moreover has struggled more recently possessing an 8. 1% lowering of Q3 net income and a 7% fall in sales. nike air max 90 Nevertheless, Adidas attributed the current fall in order to currency swings also to tough comparisons to 2012's income from the Olympics and American football championships. Adidas is definitely seeking to gain good energy in 2014, specifically while using FIFA Globe Cup set to occur in the summertime of 2014. As an assessment, Nike attained an 8% upsurge in product sales and a 4% surge upward in income for F2Q.

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Nike einzigartige Schuhe

Nike-Turnschuhe empfehlen Ihre ursprünglich und glücklich Entscheidungen, wenn Sie möchten, um ein Paar Designer-Schuhe zu bestellen. Weil seine Grund hat Nike eine Menge Ruf und vorteilhaft Berühmtheit erlangt. Es liefert aber nicht wenige hochwertige und lujoso Produkte, um Anforderungen der gro?e Menschen gerecht zu werden. Und Nike Schuhe werden als unter den vorteilhaftesten Schuhe aus dem gesamten Markt betrachtet. Ganz gleich, nike free 5.0 v4,ob Sie die Jagd Schuhe für amerikanische Fußball, Basketball, Tennis, Fußball und Baseball sind, können Sie absolut eine Vielzahl von Schuhen, die sich perfect in Ihrem Fall wird zu finden. Nike Turnschuhe werden für sportliche Aktivitäten und jeden Tag Gebrauch konstruiert. Nike Schuhe haben alle Optionen, die jeder sollte wirklich zu wollen werden. Mit trendigem Design als auch die Verwendung von harten Elementen, versichert dieser, dass Sie werden Erwerb die eigenen ehrfürchtige hervorragende Produkte, cease to live Sie verwalten, um statt dessen eine lange Zeit zu nehmen. Nike Schuhe sind real eine kleinere teuer und versuchen, versuchen, die nicht viel Technik, die Sie zurzeit aus den Mode Turnschuhe suchen zu finden. Sie können dies, indem Sie er or him Internet und Prüfung durchaus Zeugnisse versuchen oder Sie können einfach zu home nahe gelegenen Nike Läden gehen und suchen einige Stück der Beratung von Ihrem Lieferanten.

Von nach der Air Max 90 und Air Huarache, diesem Air Max 95 Sport einige nette Details, perish nur aus der Nähe gesehen werden kann übersehen. Dieser Schuh Sport man Kombination aus Schwarz, Medium sized Ash und Cool Gray in der gesamten oberen mit Safari drucken als die Stand-out-Funktion. Hits von Hyper Schlag auf der Lufteinheit, Spitze Ösen und Nike-Branding geben diesem klassischen Nike air max, dass schöne Pop. Suche dir bei ausgewählten Nike pas cher Einzelhändler ab November 21. nike free 5.0 herren,Si elles sont palei encore ne sur le marché, l'ensemble des nouvelles Turnschuhe du Géant Nike Schrift déjà l'unanimité. Parce qu'elles sont gracieux comme arc-en-ciel sous acide d'abord, qu'elles sont performantes et Futuristes ensuite. Chemical? Té Stil, les Air max pas cher 2015 se sont parées de couleurs acidulées joliment nuancées, de bulles d'air bicolores et d'une virgule désormais présente à l'arrière de la chaussure. Derrière chicago carrosserie, la technologie. Wohltuend du système dynamische Flywire, les nouvelles Turnschuhe ont été con? Ues een fa? Auf einem améliorer le maintien du fondement et éviter les frottements. Très légères, elles profitent encore et toujours een leurs bulles gießen Stärkungs les appuis. Combo gagnant gießen ces Air Max i futur. De sortie, inconnue, prix, 190 €.

Darüber hinaus mit dem Aufkommen auf der Nike USERNAME, die Sie Ohr 1985 kaufen zu beobachten den Beginn Dunk seit der gro?e Schuh für diesen Basketball-Spieler. Sie nannten es Nike air max 90 SB. Sie konzentrierte sich ursprünglich nur die Basketball-Spieler. Auch das Know-how eingebettet war, um die sportlichen Eigenschaften der Schuhe zu helfen. Mit den 12 Monaten 1998 wurde die dunk Reihe von Schuhen wieder als ein Stilikone unter den Jugendlichen vorgestellt. Im Vergleich zu der Nike einzigartige Schuhe, wurde die Reihe von Nike air max grundsätzlich als Reduzierung Page Schuh freigegeben. Doch nach der einzige war leichter als das Mutterschuh. Um living room Dunk Array zu popularisieren, nike free 5.0, selbst veröffentlicht einen Plan so genannte. Schuhe, die benutzerdefinierte hergestellt werden als durch Ihre Farben und Anforderungen erläutert aber mit dem Eingang Ihrer Türen alles geliefert. Die Art von Dienstleistungen zu machen Nike eine Notwendigkeit, Markennamen zu betrachten bei ihrem Kauf Turnschuhe. Es bleibt angefeuert und erfüllt perish Schuhe, die von uns aufgebaut sind zu tragen.

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Pandora Bracelets Beads For sale

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want to see me on youtube?

I made a youtube video stating my views on the protests here. If you want to know what I look and sound like check it out. Sorry I'm not a great speaker. Could I have gotten my message across better in this vid? http://ift.tt/1HGJhaT

The ''NEW'' kickboxing

Well today I received an ad through my post box from a kickboxing school. Usual claims of fitness, self defense, weight loss etc... They start their web speil by talking aobut the original kickboxing competitions in the US and how American kickboxing has developed into a formidable art.... BUT THEN!!!

They proudly put up the message : No RIng Fighting, No Hitting Others!!! No one fights in the ring or each other - we hit pads, not people!

The ads go on with explanations like- ''is one of the safest of all martial arts for several reasons. All classes are well designed and supervised. Protective equipment is compulsory. Sparring is optional. You are not forced to fight if you don't want to (unlike so many other martial arts). Most students do not want to spar in class or in competitions... but for those that do we have dedicated sessions just for sparring.

So, if sparring is not compulsory, then how do you ever put theory into practice?

A Unique Approach... a unique syllabus. Instead of just learning kickboxing movements into thin air or even just punching pads or bags (which we do anyway) we have 'Technical Sets'... these are:

Specific combinations of Kickboxing movements which are put together and performed with a fellow student. They are a very natural and fluid way of learning... through repetition good skills will come quickly and easily to you.''

So no sparring unless in a special class, no hitting each other or sparring.. only the use of ''technical sets'' (??kata sort of??) , basic techniques and perhaps some shadow boxing?

With over 50 clubs opening nationally be prepared for these guys to come to your town..

Wonder if there is a cure for this sort of thing? Somebody must have figured out GKR's formula for making money. Anyone else had a whiff of this illness out their way yet?


street fighting

One of the advanced students in my class has been in two street fights with guys who tried to rob him. He won both. He says he used MMA leaving the rules out of it. So if some guy tries to mug me I suppose I should just forget the rules and fight.

I have fought another girl back in high school but that was before I knew any MMA. I still beat the hell out of her though.



I need ALL of your help! I'm looking for self defence advice.

Near me there are lots of various styles of martial art classes available, also their is Krav Maga, and a 'Close Quarter Combat (CQC) class, this is taught by an ex Royal Marine CQC Instructor, this is a military based system of self defence.

I'm looking for a style/system that will help me to realistically defend my self on the street, from various attacks.

What is the differences between martial arts/krav maga/Military CQC?

And what do you guys recommend/think and why?


So how does Hapkido stack up?

Despite major stylistic differences i see similarities to Bujinkan.

So my question is how does the striking/defending skills stack up?. How about the standing grappling? Are they part of a systematic way of training or just locks bolted onto TKD?

How are weapons typically treated, are they just solo forms and no application or is the application?

The reason i ask is because i found a HKD place in my town and it seams to be hugely popular. I dont know much about the art other then youtube videos and my conversation with the instructor.. It seams to be very similar to the Bujinkan in that it has striking and standing grappling. The one major difference is that they spar regularly..

I found my self intrigued by them. Here is the website. http://ift.tt/1uW5nRD

So guys can you sate my curiosity about this style? I notice it gets as much trolling on the net as Bujinkan does.

Salve de stats américaines avant Thanksgiving, AUD affaibli

Il ne s'est pas passé grand-chose pendant la séance asiatique. L'AUD/USD consolide ses pertes après avoir inscrit un creux de quatre ans (0.8514) hier dans le sillage des déclarations du vice-gouverneur de la RBA Philip Lowe. Ce dernier a estimé que l'aussie devrait reculer conjointement avec la baisse des investissements et la détérioration des termes de l'échange, du fait essentiellement de...










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