samedi 29 novembre 2014

The Git's Coronary Bypass Bypass

For 20.11.2014

I'd promised meself if I walked out of the heart-speciality clinic without a date set for surgery, balloon catheters or dire pronouncements to get my affairs in order, that I would make some serious health related changes - which will really amount to a revolution of mindset - leading a lifestyle of fitness and health, rather than just attending classes once and a while, exercising - often begrudgingly - when it convenient and friendly to mood.

This log being for one of the ways I will attempt to fulfil that promise.

I had to miss the last couple of boxing classes due to familial commitments - which really, really sucks as I've never managed to push myself any where near the limits as those grizzled trainers can at the hole-in-the-wall where I take my classes.

Be that as it may, I did manage to finally stabilise enough ceilings joists in our basement to safely swing my 15st 5pounds on the stud mounted bars and rings that I'd put up without worry of rolling the beams and unsettling the acoustical flooring upstairs. Swinging on the gymnastics rings is ... a goal! Flying through the air with the greatest of ease...n'yet...right now I'm just sort of ... hanging there, very stiff and not feeling too graceful, thinking of all the weight-loss diets I've ever heard of. I'm sure I resemble someone in the last stages of tetanus.

Pushing aside the nagging thoughts that I needed to get the MT bag hung first, run to the hardware store and begin picking out the steel tubing to make a rack with, relocate the speed bag platform...

It'd never end...I'd spend another month getting things "just right" and never use any of it.

As Ned tactfully pointed out when I was going on about it, You don't have to have everything - a skip rope, a bag - and most of all, the willingness to plow through one's own prison of procrastination.

Of course I knew that...but it helps to hear the obvious from someone else, from time to time.

When I miss class, I like to try to approximate much as possible, what's going on at the gym, so that is what's on the plate today. Other days will be for complimentary exercises, allied muscle groups and the like...

Class conditioning drills have been for 3 minutes ( or whatever number of reps, depending ) with 30 second rests in between exercises and a 1 minute rest on the last set of an exercise.

Its a walk in the park to some, I know, but that rate has nearly done me in during class - not able to complete the last set of some of the circuits at the end of the hour. Keeping in mind, my goal is improvement - being able to complete ALL circuits and prescribed sets in and for the time length given, the question is do I ease up a bit - a 2 minute circuit, for example or do I stiff-upper and carry on.

As the conditioning time is increasing each week in class and the rest period isn't, it wouldn't do for me to go backwards, so I elect to stay the 3 minute with 30 second rests course.

Everlast makes those crakin' Interval Training Round timers and I'ma glad I've one.

Warm-Up ( No rests in between)

skipping - 2 minutes

jumping jacks - 20

kneehugs/knee raises 30 seconds

Drills (all on 70lb bag) time rest

jab, jab, cross 3min 30 sec

jab, cross, left hook to head, right hook to head 3min 30 sec

jab to body, cross to head 3min 30 sec

jab, body shot, jab 3min 30 sec

combination eights 3min 1 minute

rope skipping ( beginning to get winded now ) 5 minutes 1 minute

rapid left/right straights 3 minutes 30 sec

jab to head cross to body, right MT low kick 3min 30 sec

jab, cross, right MT low kick, jab, cross, switch - left MT low kick, jab, cross, switch 3min 30 sec

jab, cross, right MT low kick, jab, cross, switch - left MT low kick, jab, cross, switch 3min 30 sec

( I'm heaving, gassed out, face numb but continue )

burpees (no longer able to make complete spreads on the last ones) 3min 1min

right low kick, right body kick, switch left low kick, left body, switch 3min 1min

rope skipping (barely able to get the feet off the ground, last one's just drop the rope on 3min 1min

the floor and jump over it - god almighty I can only go up from here, right?

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