dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Catch Wrestling for kids? A challenge!

I have asked around and I understand that the vast majority of techniques that Catch Wrestlers learn are not safe for kids. However it would seem to me with the vast array of techniques available in any grappling art that there should be a way to make a list however small of the submissions from Catch Wrestling that are legal in Youth No-GI BJJ and make a game plan around them.

This is an example of a set of youth BJJ rules for a local tournament.

Illegal Techniques for ALL AGES & ALL DIVISIONS

NO Striking of any kind

NO Slamming

NO Biting, Hair pulling or Eye-Gouging

NO fingers to the throat

NO Small Joint Manipulation (Fingers, Toes, etc)

NO Pressure points

NO Knees or Elbows in the face

NO Stalling or running from the fight

NO Swearing or obscene gestures

Illegal Techniques for KIDS up to 15 years old

Illegal Techniques for ALL AGES & ALL DIVISIONS will apply plus the following:

NO Ezequiel Chokes

NO Attacks below the waist (i.e. NO Foot Locks, Heel Hooks, Knee Bars, Toe holds)

NO Guillotine Chokes

NO Neck Cranks

NO Cervical Locks (i.e. crucifix)

NO Pulling the head while in the Guard (Can Opener)

NO Triangle while pulling the Head

NO Wrist Locks

NO Calf Locks

NO Scissors Takedown

NO Biceps Locks

NO Omoplata (Shoulder Lock)

(The referee reserves the right to stop a choke if the neck or spine is compromised)

So with this question, what do you think?

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