samedi 22 novembre 2014

Vegan protein?

Hey guys, i use protein powders to supplement my diet and they are very helpful. They help me get closer to my daily goals and sate any cravings.

However milk and animal based proteins are getting expensive.

I did find a website that can mix you custom protein powders and in bulk for good prices.

Now their prices on all powders are good. However i noticed that some of there vegan/hippie/AlGore powders are more affordable.

One such powder was the pea protein powder. So my question is, what kinds of proteins from the other vegan proteins do i need to combine to make a complete protein source? I dont think pea and rice protein are complete so i could use some advice here guys. By complete i mean contains all of the essential amino acids. I know alot of vegan stuff is lacking in that.

P.S. i am only trying to be funny with the hippie/AlGore comment.

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