vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Fighting again next March!

After a reasonably decent first fight followed by half a year of injuries, illness and laziness I'm finally fighting again.

So, on March 7 I'll be fighting on Shock n Awe 19, which is awesome because fighting on SnA has been my goal since I took up mma so I am very excited.

It'll be an ammy fight, 3x3 minute rounds, at 145 pounds. Apparently there are two opponent options for me: One is a fellow I watched fight at the last SnA which I really wish I'd paid more attention to or could remember anything about. It'd be an interesting one as he's more experienced than me having fought on a big show already, but he has been tapped by a training partner of mine which gives me some confidence. He normally fights at 135 though so my coach thinks its unlikely he'll take it which is fair enough.

I am doing an mma interclub next Sunday and I'm told if its an alright fight I'll probably just get matched against him so that'll be cool.

Some mild nervousness for this as my stand up still needs work. Starting to attend boxing classes a few times a week from now on so hopefully by the time March rolls round I'll be slightly better at not blocking punches with my face :p

Soooo yeah. That's it really. Obviously, if anyone fancies being around Portsmouth on March 7 and buying a ticket off me that would be lovely as I do have sales to make :hat:

There's normally a party after the show too so it'd be a nice chance to chill out and have a couple drinks with some of you.

Not much else to say really other than that I'm incredibly excited to get to fight again, especially on this show. If I do this and literally nothing after then I will have achieved the big goal I started aiming for 3 odd years ago. It's going to be a very awesome night :D

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