lundi 24 novembre 2014

Best use of training time?

So being a busy bee, with a full time job, couple of kids, lots of other stuff going on, my time for training is precious and I need to make the best use of it.

Being a relatively mature busy bee, with training goals in most areas you can think of - improving strength, in particular leg strength, improving my flexibility, balance, technique, stamina (you name it.....) I make gains but often at a slower rate (a friend of mine says it's like being a car on a hill with no handbrake - you have to run the engine a bit just to stay in the same place :-)).

I wondered if anyone has any suggestions for the most efficient exercises for any of the things I need to improve on. I'm re-working my home routine which includes running, pull-ups, push-ups, squats (w/o weights) planks and stretches. Welcome any thoughts on what works well for you.

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