samedi 29 novembre 2014

High level test preparation mental fatigue?

Yeah, couldn't find a good title.......It's a little hard to explain.

Has anyone here who has been preparing for a high level test experienced mental fatigue- I guess a sort of mild burnout?

I am one of the most gung ho people at my school. I LOVE to practice! I am there as much as my workout schedule allows and practice elsewhere on the day my school is closed. I go there on the holidays my school is open. I go there on my birthday when I have the day off. Because there is nowhere else I would rather be.

I am also trying to get ready to test for my black fringe in TCC when my GM comes down next spring. That is the goal. I may or may not make it. I have already been preparing for months. I am enjoying the process, the extra attention my Sifu is giving- something called observations in my school. Extra time/ lessons diverted from my CLf into my TCC.

But it's really intense and that intensity has been ongoing for awhile with it not changing for several months to come- at the very least.

It's not that I want to give up, but I am just mentally feeling a bit worn out. If it was stronger, maybe it could be described as burnout? Like I said it is hard to describe.

I am beginning to see why I have seen people so close to testing just quit. I never understood it before, but now, I wonder if this has something to do with it.

There is no way I would quit. But I am feeling a little out of it. I am pushing through it, but........

..........somedays I just think for a fleeting moment "I could just stay a brown fringe and just not worry about it.":o Yeah, I hate to admit it, but I just want to not have it looming over me.

Does anyone know what I am talking about? Has anyone here experienced anything like this? Am I just a mental wimp?

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