lundi 24 novembre 2014

Every Story Told

I haven't discussed this with other mods so apologise if violates TOS, but I would like to get a project going with MAP peeps considering we waste so much time arguing about what is the real Chun etc, I thought we could put our energies to good uses.

This year marks 100 years since the beginning of World War One.

The royal british legion has put together a project called "Every Man Remembered".

In honour of those fallen I want to ensure that we can tell as many stories as possible so that these men and women can be remembered in life rather than in death.

How you can help

Click "Commemorate someone I know" or "Find me someone to commemorate"

Research Rules

Make sure your research is accurate! Start with family members first.

Use this comprehensive guide:

Please don't commemorate anyone you aren't 100% sure you have accurate history for.

And get your grammar right.

Research Tips

- Try someone who served in your area (e.g. from High Wycombe etc) so you can get easier access to physical records.

- Search through the Commonwealth War Graves Commission according to the burial site and soldiers name.

- Check the parents names or next of kin on public records (even on public records websites).

- There is a 14 day free trial that you can use to search for birth dates and next of kin.

What's in it for you

Honestly, I'm a little disgusted you have to ask!

I mean, blummin' heck! It's only 15 minutes or half an hour of your day!

But if you want to know, you might find out something new, an interesting part of history in the life of someone who isn't as well documented as we.

You don't have to donate to the Royal British Legion but I encourage you to do so.

Worked Example:

I clicked "Find me someone to commemorate" and ended up with G. Darsie.

First I clicked on his burial site and it directed me to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission database. Luckily only one G. Darsie is buried at Senlis French national cemetery, his next of kin resided in Johnston House.

So I googled his surname, date of death and kin residence.

I realised then that his grave stone engraving had his parents names.

So I googled them too.

It seems that there are many photos of his family online and he descended from Tahitian royalty.

See you learn something interesting!

I also found sources stating that he served in South Africa also but did not include this as the sources were not of good quality (they were just hear-say).

Let's tell every story of those who can't tell theirs.

Every young boy like George Darsie Junior (Centre seated):

Who served and died as a soldier:

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