vendredi 6 mars 2015

Hip joint pain?

Since two days I've been experiencing a discomfort/pain that's basically an amplification of what I had before. Since some time ago I've been noticing some discomfort in the area around my hip joint (right side). It's only in my right side which is the tightest side.

I experience this discomfort when performing a couple of specific exercises. For example with the side split test, when I try to move tha raised leg side to side that's when I experience discomfort in the right side of my hip. The straddle stretch is also a problem as well as the frog stretch, even though I made decent progress in my overall flexibility those two exercises never seemed to get easier for me. I also experience that problem when doing dynamic side kick stretches, so when I read the comments from the flexibility and kicking guide in this forum, I thought the problem might be the hip joint.

Lately the discomfort got worse when I tried the adductor standing stretch and moved the standing leg side to side. Now I can't do front kicking dynamic stretches past the abdomen without discomfort (which wasn't a problem before).

The good news is that the discomfort becomes less the more I work with some exercises like pistols, squats and lunges.

I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me with this. Some localized hip strengthening routines that give the hip joints a good workout would be very helpful.

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