mardi 27 décembre 2016

2 day Hikes in Adirondacks

Hi newbie here... although I've been lurking and reading a lot of posts trying to get as much info as I can.

Looking for a 2 day hike I can do with my daughter next summer. She will be almost 8 and we will also have our German shorthaired pointer with us (who will also have her own pack). Could even stretch it to 2 nights/3 days...

I am experienced with car camping and we have done some day hikes up to 4km (notably sections of Bruce Trail, Ont & West Coast Trail, BC).

We are looking to attempt our first overnight hike. I am quite active (triathlons/marathons) and my daughter also does 1km races and walks extensively. We will do some spring day hikes longer than 4km prior to our overnight trip (June/July hopefully). (the only reason we haven't done longer hikes is we hike as a family and I have a 4 yr old son - so we limited last summer to 4km for him)

I do not mind if the 2 day hike is a hike in, spend the night and a hike out - does not need to have a loop. I have read the rules/regulations extensively as I am a BIG rule follower. From what I can gather if we cannot find a designated campsite we can camp anywhere that is more than 150m from trail/water sources etc. and below 3500 ft? I have experience camping in bear territory and practicing LNT methods.

Years ago I used to go to Cranberry Lake & Meacham Lake and we would also day hike Debar. But I have not been back to the Adirondacks in years. I did make note of the guide books that have been recommended in some of the other posts.

The 3 brothers and big slide seemed interesting if I can camp out somewhere on the trail....

Thanks everyone??!!!

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