samedi 24 décembre 2016

Lower Saranac Camping

Over the last couple years my friend and I have made a trip up to Lower Saranac camping in our cedar strip canoes. We normally camp at the end of the lake on site 47 which is small and not the best site but we like the seclusion. But there really isn't any place to get the boat on shore without dragging it over boulders. This year there will be even more of my family going in hand build canoes and kayaks.

Im looking for advise on a good site that is secluded and has a place that allows for easy entry and exit from the water without having to drag the boats that I put so much work into over a ton of rocks. I doubt there is a site that has a sand beach but that would be the ultimate. i will settle for a shallow entry and exit.

Any advise would be extremely helpful. :thumbs:

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