vendredi 23 décembre 2016

Looking for kids games for MA training

Hi people!

I need a bit of your help.

Next year is sort of getting serious for me.

Longer version
Last year, when entering one of my current clubs, we have made a deal: I assist in the kids classes and don't have to pay the monthly fees.
This way I was able to train there, because I couldn't have afford it otherwise.

To my personal surprise it actually worked out rather well.
The parents say that the Kids love me.
I got to get a lot of "behind the scenes work" done, which includes talk to parents, organization things and such - for me that's really difficult; thanks to social phobia and other things; BUT it really works out so far!
Which has me a bit proud, I admit.

Now comes the "problem" ;)
It might have worked a bit too well.

I also learned that, for the managing committee, I am the main person to talk to, when it comes to our JJ kids classes; not the actual coach.
Which has me sort of thankful, even though it feels a bit strange.
I can see the reasoning though.

To cut to the chase: The above also means, that I get a lot of the responsibility of what we will do (in the group of the young ones, 4-7/8) and that I will train the more advanced students in the older group (yellow belts and one yellow-orange belt, age 8-11 at the moment), because otherwise they won't advance.

I will write down a program of what the older ones will learn for their gradings; I have a list of the stuff they have to show (throws, locks, SD against wrist grab etc.) and I am supposed to write down what exactly they do.
Okay, fine with that.
I already asked two of my teachers to check what I have written, to see if it really works or is rubbish.

For the younger group we (finally!) want to train more play-wise (the main instructor essentially did the same training with both groups, which is similar to grown-up training).

Therefore I'm looking for games for young kids.
Not only fun games, but things they also learn and develop certain abilities.
Be it balance, certain movements, rolling (fall-breeaking as well as normal rolling on the long axis or how to tumble), beginnings of throws...
Of course games just for the fun are great as well, but I'd hope to find new ideas of "MA games for kids"; I know some judo clubs have fun games, like topping the turtle and such.

The club already bought a little book, I have a document about "Karate games" and I will be searching the internet a lot more.

But I hope to get some tips here of games you know or have done in kids classes as well and which were popular.
I also think there might be games in English speaking countries we don't have like that or with a difference here and there to "our version".
Slight differences might already be a great thing, because like this the games are more "little kid friendly" and sometimes you miss the forest for the trees.

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