lundi 5 juin 2017

Advice needed please... Two styles

I already study Shaolin Kung Fu (Mok Gar) once a week for two hours. I love my class and will remain loyal to them.

I've just achieved my first sash (yellow) and I really love everything that's involved with training. The problem is, I want to do more than 2 hours per week.

My class only runs the one session so i was thinking about training another style of Kung Fu at the same time. Maybe Wing Chun...

My question is two fold;

1) I've seen people talk about cross training but generally they refer to two different types of Martial Art. For example: kick boxing and Ju Jit Su. Is it wise to practise two different styles of Kung Fu?

2) What are you opinions on Wing Chun? Do you think it would compliment the Shaolin style I already practise?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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