lundi 5 juin 2017

Panther and Brown Pond Mountains (Cedar River) 6/1/17

I enjoyed a nice hike up these two trailless peaks on June 1. Accessed from the Cedar River Road via Sprague Brook (with permission from the Deer Valley Club). It's about 4.3 miles generally South on a pleasant old tote road walk from the public road to the height of land between the two mountains. About a mile past the Cedar River bridge you come to a 4-way intersection. Headed straight ahead on the old tote road, away from the current logging roads. Following the creek, crossed two barriers. At the height of land left the road and roughly followed a 120 degree magnetic bearing to Panther summit. Took about an hour from the road. Woods were relatively easy. Continued perhaps 100 yards E of summit to view point above cliff - good views to east. On descent I wound up a bit more southerly and wound up above two cliff bands, had to skirt to the N to descend. Partial views into the Cedar River Valley from these cliff tops.

Crossed road and headed roughly on 300 degree magnetic bearing to summit of Brown Pond. Encountered three cliff bands that I had to skirt to the North. Woods generally open with a couple of spruce thickets to contend with. Reached a false summit, descended into small depression and up to true summit. Partial views on the way up back towards Panther. This took about an hour from the road. On descent purposely veered further N to avoid cliffs. Descent was much easier than the climb. Intersected the tote road about 0.25 miles from the col.

I was making good time, so decided to explore the Buell Brook valley. Continued over the crest and descended 1.3 miles to the end of the tote road. There's a beautiful beaver pond at the Buell Brook hunting camp. Nice views back towards Panther. Returned via the same road to the North. Total distance 15 miles (more or less), covered over 9 hours at a relaxed pace. Enjoyable day, nice cool weather, didn't see another soul.

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