dimanche 21 juillet 2019

Cedar River Flow 7/20/2019-7/21/2019

Made a last minute decision with minimal planning to escape the air conditioning and spend a night on the water :) It would also be the first time I tried camping with my kayak. Turns out it was much easier than I thought it would be.

After recovering from my morning bike ride sweat fest, I threw some gear together and made the long drive up to Wakely Dam. Hit the water shortly after 4pm and made waves for the south end of the flow. Had my choice of campsites and took a stellar one right on the water. A lazy evening of reading ensued and I turned in when the sun turned off. Even staying right on the water it was a rather warm night.

After copious amounts of sleep I decided to take my breakfast at the Carry Lean-to. I had done the paddle once before and thoroughly enjoyed following the wandering river. In short order I found myself at the unsurprisingly empty Lean-to.

And then one of those weird things happened. One of those weird things I couldn't make up even if I tried... :confused:

In picking up the Lean-to register my finger also grabbed what I thought was a piece of cloth. Then it started moving and I immediately dropped it. A bat fell to the Lean-to floor and then through a crack in the floor. :eek: It apparently had found a "cave" between the register and the uneven shelf.

I was deeply concerned that I may have hurt it and adversely affected the mosquito population :cry: but my fears were alleviated a few minutes later as it flew away while I sipped my coffee :clap:

After breakfast I made a slow and enjoyable exit catching a couple small brookies along the way.

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