mercredi 17 juillet 2019

seeking suggestions for a trip

thanks in advance for help and suggestions

I'm soon going to likely be taking a first time hiking trip to the Adirondacks. I am an experienced hiker, have done most of the AT hiked in the whites, out west some, etc, but have never been to the Adirondacks.

I'm looking to plan a 3 day hike, maybe about 10 miles on Day 1, about 15-18 on Day 2 and then about 10 again on Day 3, though I'm not opposed to that getting up towards 15 if it seems worthwhile.

I'd like to hit Mt Marcy and lake tear of the clouds. I don't need to strictly do a loop, but hiking 15 miles in one direction only to about face and hike those same 15 miles back the other way isn't anything I'm especially interested in. It would be cool to maybe hit another high peak or two, but I'm not much for bushwhacking and I understand that can be involved in getting to a number of them.

Any suggestions?


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