samedi 20 juillet 2019

Murphy Lake trail work

This past week a dedicated group of DEC folks, local volunteers and some stalwart trail crewmembers improved a section of the Murphy Lake trail a quarter mile or so from the Pumpkin Hollow Rd. trailhead. I've hiked this trail for the past 50 years and was excited to hear that they were working on it. This morning, I had a brief opportunity to check it out.

There was little evidence of the UTV's used to haul the equipment and materials to the work site. The "ruts" will most like fill with leaves and pine needles in the next few months and you'll never know they were there.

Shortly after crossing a small hill, the trail descends into a very wet area. For years, this section was covered with round logs; very slippery and dangerous. I've slipped and fallen several times on this section. It got so bad, people were walking off trail trough the swamp to avoid the logs. Not exactly LNT.

Now, the trail is gravel filled cribbing that carries one smoothly over the swampy area.

I liked how the new cribbing was laid right over the old logs.

On a week where most of us were either stuck inside or complaining about the heat and humidity, these folks poured out their sweat to improve a section of trail that is near and dear to my heart. Thanks DEC, good job!

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