lundi 1 juillet 2019

Reco in Blue Ridge Wilderness

In a couple weeks I'll be going to do some trail maintenance in the Blue Ridge Wilderness with my son, we'll have what amounts to 4 days/3 nights to mess with. Our trail section is from Stephens Pond south around 4 miles to Brown's Brook, where the smallish bridge crosses the brook. This will be our third time to the section, I've come from Durant and the Cascade th prior, so always approaching from the north.

Kind of fine-grained advice seeking, but what do people with experience in the area see as good alternative approaches and/or side trips around there? I think we'll be able to get a somewhat early start on day 1, and no need to be home early on day 4. As one option we can park down Cedar River Rd by Wakely and day 1 work the trail to Stephens Pond, camp there and then make our way somewhere further on but new for day 2, like Wilson Pond, Tirrel Pond or heck even get a site in Durant. Note we haven't been to Wakely, Wilson or Tirrel.

Or an option is to start and end a 2-3 day working out and back at the NPT road crossing near Durant and go somewhere else for the 3rd and 4th days. I'd also be willing to hit something up on the way home, we'd be taking 28 back toward Warrensburg to get home.

Hope this makes sense, and yes it's fiddly and fine grained. I'd probably want to hold mileage per day to 8-10 miles.

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