mercredi 3 juillet 2019

Questions about etiquette of AFR interactions

I am planning to go to Low's Lake in August, and as part of my pre-trip planning I have been reading trip reports which often mention talking to the AFR, formerly Ranger Dawn and now someone else if I understand correctly. I have never been to a lake yet where that is the norm, and there are a couple of trivial and silly questions which I have been pondering.

Am I supposed to seek out the AFR in some way, or can I assume that if they want to talk to me they will find me? And what is the proper mode of address for an AFR? Ma'am or Sir seems like a safe bet, and it also seems that Ranger is used by some people, at least to refer to them. When talking to a sheriff or deputy or state police person I usually call them Officer, but I don't know if an AFR is one or not.


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