jeudi 1 mai 2014

Our teachers and their physical conditions

Hey guys

I was watching a video the other day of an MA class, and the teacher looked to be out of shape and overweight. The person watching with me said

"how can they trust this guy to teach you about something physical , he can bearly stand up"

It reminded me of an tae kwon do sampler lesson i went to once , when the teacher was portly, sweated alot and could not kick about his waist. I left because In my opinion a teacher of a high kicking MA should be quite flexible.

On the flip side though, I saw Gary Speirs was quite a large guy, but had a rep , not just in the MA world, but in the world at large as being a very effective fighter and hard as nails. Though I would not call him fat. More LARGE like a regby player.

Anyway my question is, What emphasis and importance do you place on the physical shape of a martial arts teacher of any style ? Would you trust an out of shape, unflexible guy or girl to teach your martial art?, Or conversly , a skinny , slight, or fail looking guy or girl to teach it?

How important is this to you guys?

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