samedi 3 mai 2014

Were these guys experienced street fighters?

I feel really bad right now because my friend got his nose broken for backing me up, and another friend got sucker punched in the back of the head. It all happened pretty fast. Started with me asking a question, and the other guy telling me rather impolitely to go away so I asked the question again and he got hostile, he was saying "come on, throw the first punch" and he squared up to me, I was telling him to calm down. My friend came up beside me so it was two of us squared with the guy. There were 5 of them and 5 of us. At one point, out of the blue I was tripped from behind to the ground, none of my 5 friends even saw exactly how that happened and by the time I got up, all 5 guys were running away (they're tourists in my country, they probably knew we would round up an army pretty fast) but had already punched one of my friends in the back of the head, and another friend chased after them and they ganged up on him and broke his nose. All this happened in the space of time it took me to get back up. We chased after them as a group but they'd disappeared.

I started rounding up that army and one guy that was willing to join us was a trained boxer and ex neo nazi and figured thats what these guys were, he figured "they knew exactly what they were doing". Do these sound like tactics of people who are well experienced in street fights? They probably knew they couldn't win the fight cuz locals would join in on our side so they ran but within seconds they had two of us on the ground, and another one bleeding. They're both really genuine good people that got punched, I wish it was me instead, I really want to get revenge for this but the guys ran and disappeared too fast.

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