jeudi 3 juillet 2014

freddie's modern kungfu

Has anyone seen this guy get his claims "backed up" yet? I stumbled upon this guy's youtube vids and sickened me too my core. Its not that he's not a fan of MMA. I know of tons of martial arts instructors who don't particularly like the sport, but most will agree too some extent of the benefits of training in that format. His videos go faaaar beyond that. My God you practically use his asinine statements and paper thin logic as a reason for stronger birth control.

Apparently since this initial post he's went on tons of tirades about MMA and Brazilian jiujitsu being not only terrible martial arts in every since of the word ( coupled with some of the most poorly thought out, or should I say completely not thought out reasoning ever) But all practitioners are apparently bullies, who seek to just hurt people. Topped off with claims of how we're the downfall of society, and thats basically just one video. Of course these videos are then followed by videos about why we should all respect one another in the martial arts world, right after he just finished calling BJJ Blow *** jiujitsu.

"watch at own risk of sanity"

I can't tell if he's trolling or just that plain stupid. I know some of you would just shrug this off, but this really bothers me that someone this delusional of a mental state, as well as the mediocre level of skill in actual combat. When you watch his sparring videos its like something out of an intermediate class. This guy is actually training other people.

He's like the entire kung-foolerly mentality rapped into one person.

your thoughts?

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