mercredi 23 juillet 2014

Xue Sheng's - Old beat up guy returns to training log

A training log may be exactly what I need, I shall have to give th is a try, but be warned I’m old, beat up, arthritic and have two bad knees and an ankle I apparently enjoy breaking since I have broken it 3 times (2 when I trained Long Fist, once jumping down a flight of concrete stairs because I was late for a meeting). And if that is not enough I am currently dealing with tennis elbow…and I don’t even play tennis. Basically do not expect anything overly exciting… remember I’m old.

I am getting back to training after a long break so I am taking it slow and not to do what I use to do in my misspent youth which basically was doctors be damned I’m training…of course that was generally followed by more doctor’s visits

Since I have done nothing today so far I will start with yesterday

Yesterday early morning Santi Shi training, nothing long only about 5 minutes per side. Then did tea cup and rice bowl drills from Baguazhang

Followed that with work on Piquan from Wuxingquan.

Later a 1 mile walk and then worked on something that comes from Taiji and is best seen in the Taiji from practical method from Chen Zhonghua, basically opening and closing chest and back and sinking and raising the waist and circling arms, and shoulders. I can point you to a video to better show these if you like but it is not me doing it and I am not selling anything.

Later 20 minutes on the exercise bike.

I will not get home until late tonight but I hope to get in some Xingyi.

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