mercredi 20 août 2014

Gymnastics and acrobatics.

Van Zandt's training log got me thinking.

What gymnastic or acrobatic moves can you do? Anything from twirly-whirly spinning stuff (back flips) to static things (frog stands).

A lot of grappling arts practice these things to a basic level, I've rarely seen striking arts practice them, capoeira being the obvious exception.

Do you think there's any benefit to learning gymnastic moves? Or is it just a way of showing your awesome physical skills when you're drunk outside a kebab place?

Here's a list. I'm sure there's more.

Me (I don't know if the rolls count really but...):

Forward rolls

Backward rolls

Dive rolls


Handstand (badly)




So not many and only the really basic stuff. But I'd love to learn the macacao (I don't know the English term) over the next few months.

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