dimanche 3 août 2014

The Hubud and Tapi Tapi Thread

This is the first in a series of Hubud and Tapi Tapi videos.

This is a massive subject and hopefully we can build a complete compendium of drills and techniques.

Some of your own videos would be most appreciated too.

They don't have to be overly produced or set up and even 30 second videos can move discussion forward.

Levels of skill don't matter either. Beginners videos are welcome and no-one will get flamed or ridiculed for not being a Grand Master.

We want both weapon and empty hand videos, especially your own. We know there are thousands on You Tube. We want where we can to keep this to our own stuff.

So for this first video I've focused on the basic flow and structure.

I'm not a fan of standing bolt upright and with overly flowing hands, so this is how I use structure to my advantage and how I teach the basics to my students.

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