mercredi 1 octobre 2014

Animal Misidentification

Ok, so with all the rumors about lynx, mt lions and bigfoot, I wanted to share a story from last week.

We were driving on 28N between Newcomb and North Creek, doing about 40 MPH, and pulling over so cars could pass and we could look at the scenery. Suddenly, a large animal darted across the road, too quick for my wife to get a pic, but long enough for both of us to get a good look. The animal was larger than our golden retriever, tan in color with the execption of a black tip on it's tail. My wife swore it was a bobcat or small mt lion. She changed the mt. lion to bobcat and swore it was a bobcat becuase she didn't see the prominent nose. I KNOW it was a coyote, because I saw the nose, head and bushy tail. She said the tail wasn't that bushy. This discussion continued until we got reliable cell service and were able to look up coyotes on the phone, and she conceded it was a 'yote.

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