mardi 7 octobre 2014

How late in life can you leave this?

Hi Folks, I'm new on the block so please go easy with me.

I was slowly dying of inactivity in an office chair. I've been there 10 years. Two weeks ago this 46 yr old, relatively unfit and too short for my weight mum joined a Karate class. Why? Well I couldn't see myself bouncing around in an aerobics group with 20 other women and this seemed like a new skill to learn, i.e. as something to do it has 'purpose'. I've never even read about martial arts up until two weeks ago, so I am a complete and utter newbie. At the moment I am at the 'just walked in off the street stage'. Feeling awkward with every move and trying hard not to be a burden on the class, who will surely want to do more complicated things than work with me, although I must admit they don't let me see or hear this for which I am very grateful.

I'd love to hear from other 'later starters' in martial arts and to know how long it took you to start to feel comfortable with being in the class and if you think I stand a chance of learning this new skill at my age. Any hints and tips would be great too NB. My Sensei and the others in my dojo are being really nice to me, but I still feel rather inwardly awkward at the moment.

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