mardi 21 octobre 2014

Website for training at home


I practice thai boxing, but since my son was born I don’t have a lot of time to go and practice. I tried practicing at home but I don’t have a sack and shadow boxing is not enough, so I built a website that will help me practice.

Basically, it’s a site that just throws kicks and punches and you can control the speed and the kicks\punches ratio. I use it to work on my defense speed - I play it on my chromecast and practice in front of the TV.

I really enjoy it and I just realized that it might be useful to other people as well, so I made it public.

Let me know if you think it’s useful, and if so - what I should add \ change

Adamsiton, we'd love to have you contribute content to MAP. But we're less interested in serving as a jumping off point for another website. I've removed the link for now. Later on, if you opt to stay at MAP, you'll have the chance to add a link to your site in your signature line. Thanks.

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