mercredi 31 août 2016

Loong Craft: 【NEW MAP】Nanhua Realm!!!

Nanhua Realm will be available at Lv 70. You can get massive amounts of EXP and collect treasure maps of different qualities here. Nanhua Realm is a weekly quest that contains 30 sub quests. For each sub quest, you will have to collect 60 of the required items. You will randomly get 2 Treasure Map Fragments after completing each sub quest. First accept quests from the Nanhua Immortal. Only one quest, Heavenly Bamboo, is currently available. Nanhua Realm is a map available to players from all states. Therefore, you need to be careful!You can check each quest location before accepting quests and then select the best location. Team up with players’ of higher CP and you can complete quests without worrying about other state players from messing with you.Since this is a weekly quest, you can avoid the peak periods to easily clear quests.

[Get Fragments]Treasure Map Fragments are given randomly. Fragment of higher quality are better. Complete 30 quests to get Treasure Map Fragments and start your treasure hunting journey.

[Buried Treasure]Obtained Treasure Map Fragments will be reserved in the Buried Treasure. You can exchange for a treasure map if you have enough fragments. Use the treasure map in your bag to go to the required location to hunt treasure for generous rewards. Treasure maps of higher quality grant more rewards!

Although Nanhua Realm is a auto-combat quest, there is a high chance that you will encounter many enemies along the way. Therefore, don’t forget to check the quest status when completing quests.

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The Crazy Guy Is Back!!!!

Hey everyone. Wow can believe its been a almost a whole year since my last visit. Well i just wanted to stop by and say hi see how everyone was doing. I finally got a job, sorted some things in my life out. So how have you all been?

Finding Water Near Marcy Dam?

Can anyone tell me where I can find water while camping at Marcy Dam?
Is this important in deciding where to camp at Marcy Dam?
(I'll be filtering the water, of course).

DEC Announces Interim Access Plan for Boreas Ponds Tract

This is an excerpt from an email sent by the DEC today. See full details on the DEC website.

DEC has developed an Interim Access Plan for the Boreas Ponds Tract which identifies specific areas available for public access while providing for protection of the natural resources of the area and the rights still held by The Nature Conservancy and its lessees. The Interim Access Plan does not have any bearing on the future land classification of the tract currently in development and does not prejudge what access and uses will be allowed in the future. (emphasis added)

Additional access opportunities identified in the Interim Access Plan includes:
  • 3.2 miles of motor vehicle access on the Gulf Brook Road;
  • 6.7 miles of roadway open to bicycling from Blue Ridge Road to the Boreas Ponds Dam; and
  • Approximately 25 miles of seven roadways open to horse and horse drawn wagons.
  • Paddlers will be able to access Boreas Pond and other waterways by carrying their canoes and kayaks 2.5 miles from the gate on Gulf Brook Road to LaBier Flow and then another 0.5 mile between the flow and Boreas Pond.
All roadways and lands are open to hiking, hunting, trapping, snowshoeing, and cross country skiing except for one-acre around the leased camps.

All of the lands are open to camping provided campsites are more than 150 feet from any roadway or body of water, but at this time no specific tent sites have been designated.

DEC and the town of North Hudson have established a total of eight parking areas:
  • Three year-round parking areas along the Blue Ridge Road at the entrances to Sand Pond Road, Gulf Brook Road, and Ragged Mountain Road. (these are the only parking areas designated for parking horse trailers);
  • Two year-round parking areas designated along the Elk Lake Road for anglers, hunters, trappers, and others; and,
  • Three seasonal parking areas designated along Gulf Brook Road which will not be available from the beginning of winter through the end of the spring mud season.
In addition, public parking will be allowed on any point along Blue Ridge Road or Elk Lake Road except where parked vehicles will block a roadway or gate. There are several miles of suitable public parking along Blue Ridge Road.

Lease holders will have the right to drive motor vehicles, ATVs and snowmobiles on Gulf Brook Road, Trout Pond Road, White Lily Pond Road, and Ragged Mountain Road.

DEC's temporary/interim plan for Boreas Ponds

Stressing the word "temporary"

22 Push Up Challenge

Those of you who use social media will be familiar with the #22PushUpChallenge a campaign to raise awareness of veterans’ mental health and PTSD, and at the same time make a donation to charity.

The #22PushUpChallenge originated in the United States to raise awareness of veterans’ mental health. Since the start of 2016, the challenge has been gathering a large following with people doing 22 push-ups and then donating to veteran mental health charities.

Increasing numbers of veterans are coming to Combat Stress every year for help with mental health problems. Your donation will help us deliver services and support for these veterans.

You can donate £5 by texting PTSD22 to 70004 or donate any amount online here

Yesterday I was nominated by Mitch, who is currently on Day 3.

John Titchen completed today and Hannibal and his students are part way through.

Rather than just post on Facebook I thought I'd share with you and one of you will get nominated tomorrow.

Please feel free to post your own press up challenge videos.

Moose River Plains - Labor Day Weekend

Hi All,

Long time reader, first time poster.

I was considering checking out Moose River Plains for the first time this weekend. In a toyota prius.

I heard the main road is accessible for sedan type cars, but the other roads are 4x4 only.

My questions:

1. Do you think any sites will be open?

2. Is it crazy to take a prius there?

Also - the moon schedule looks pretty decent for stargazing.

Le JPY continue sa décrue, le NZD défend ses positions

Le yen a encore reflué à Tokyo dans la foulée de statistiques japonaises décevantes. Après avoir cassé la résistance des 102.83 correspondant au plus haut du 2 août, l'USD/JPY a réussi à se maintenir au-dessus de ce niveau pour consolider ses gains autour des 1.0315. La production industrielle nipponne est ressortie stable en juillet, nettement sous les prévisions de +0.8%m/m et la lecture...






En savoir plus sur le broker forex ACM (Advanced Currency Markets)

Pattern thoughts

Although it's been years since I graded for my yellow stripe and yellow belts my daughter is currently going through the grades and that's given me some insight I'd missed previously.

Why does saju-jirugi exist? What's it for?
My daughter found chon-ji quite tricky to learn because it is so similar to saju-jirugi. She found getting the direction of the turns very tricky because she'd already learnt to turn another way in saju-jirugi. It seems like a superfluous pattern (and get out of here with the "it's an exercise not a pattern"...calling it an "exercise" doesn't stop it from being exactly like a pattern).
By comparison she's learnt the sequence of Dan-gun much quicker because the moves are more unique and recognisable where they occur in the pattern.
Even the turns in saju-jirugi are unlike the sorts of turns you get in other higher grade patterns. Whereas the turns in chon-ji are replicated right through the other patterns.
Why shouldn't white belts just go straight into learning chon-ji?
I just can't see a reason that saju-jirugi is in there at the start.

Fines aren't big enough.

UK law

Good afternoon,

I hope to send this message in the right section.

I need some information about UK law for martial arts.
I know that some years ago martial arts were controlled by UK Government, and because of this not all styles were admitted into UK areas. Am I right?

If yes, is still true? Are some martial arts not allowed there? And how is it possible to know the criteria for this choice?

Thank you very much for any information.



2 Werner Kalliste paddles

Both paddles are straight shaft-2 piece-250cm long-one paddle is a small shaft other is regular shaft-both paddles were used with our Hornbecks..$350 each or both for $650...send message with phone # and I will send Pic..Paddles are in the Glens Falls area...thank you

Good afternoon

Good afternoon,

it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm italian so please forgive my bad english, I'm working to improve it :)
my art is Hwa Rang Do and I am a yellow sash.

Thaks to everybody and have a good practice.



mardi 30 août 2016

Easy Neverwinter Tips To Help You Succeed

Adults and kids love playing Neverwinter Nights. We can escape the stresses of our daily lives through Neverwinter Nights. Want some great ideas for becoming a better gamer? There are things you should know that makes playing even better. THis article will give you an idea on how you can get better at gaming.

Buy games that are used. Neverwinter Nights can cost up to $50, making them very expensive. This price is bad enough as it is, but it can a real downer when the game is neverwinter astral diamonds xbox delivered and you find that you absolutely hate it. By purchasing a used game, you could save 25-50% on the game you want.

Download a demo game before you purchase it. Downloaded previews can save you from spending a lot of money on a game that you do not like all that much anyhow. Make sure you are careful when doing this. Never download pirated copies or from websites that aren't verified and trustworthy.

The website "" is a great place to visit to see if your game is compatible on your PC. After you download it, it will say whether you have the necessary requirements for that specific game. If you don't like downloading anything, delete it when you are done.

When playing Neverwinter Nights, remember to take a stretch break three or four times hourly. Gaming encourages repetitive motions so you need to move around periodically to avoid feeling stuck in place. You need to stretch your muscles to prevent cramping and also to benefit your circulation. This is very good for you.

Make yourself take a break during gaming play that you don't want to get up from. Sitting for long periods of time to play a game is unhealthy. Playing and practicing a game is something that should be fun. You need to let a medical professional know if you suspect you are becoming addicted to anything, including gaming.

A lot of online games these days offer players the option to earn new content or rewards by slowly working hard at it or by purchasing it. You should never overspend on frivolous items. They also give you some enjoyment in your Neverwinter playing. These will also save you a lot of your precious time.

Neverwinter Nights are a blast when you know how to play them. RPGs or sports games, there's always a title for you. Choose the platform that works for you, find a great game, and enjoy yourself! Neverwinter Astral Diamonds is a great way to pass the time!

Employment Opportunity-Lab Tech-Schenectady

Some may be aware that I own and operate a small lab identifying benthic macroinvertebrates (i.e. mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, midges, etc...) for state and county agencies, private companies, other consultants, and non-profit groups. These organisms are collected from streams, rivers, and lakes and based on the particular community structure at the collection site, are used to determine its water quality. We currently receive samples from GA, WV, NH, VT, CT, NY, AZ, and the USGS (including lakes/streams in the ADKS). From these samples we pick and identify hundreds of thousands of organisms from the ~2 thousand samples we receive/year. I'm in need of part-time or per-diem lab technician to help process these samples (this could work into full-time). The job includes a lot of time looking through a stereo microscope. If you or someone you know are interested in this type of work please contact me at:

I post this job offer here as it might be of interest to someone retired or semi-retired and wanting to work at something more interesting than...let's say... as a Big Store Door Greeter.

Thanks for the consideration.

Moderators: Please accept my apologies if I shouldn't have posted something like this but I didn't find anything explicitly barring the post.

Les investisseurs se détournent des valeurs refuges, le CHF et le JPY reculent

Le dollar a continué à se renforcer mardi, les traders pariant sur la reprise du cycle de resserrement de la Réserve fédérale avant la fin de l'année. Il a poursuivi sa progression face à la plupart de ses homologues. L'indice dollar est monté de 0.20% à 95.76 à Tokyo. Le yen a été la devise du G10 la moins performante. L'USD/JPY a grimpé de 0.35% à 102.25 malgré la publication de statistiques...






En savoir plus sur le broker forex ACM (Advanced Currency Markets)

Un-named Brown Pond, Panther, South Panther and Buell Whackathon

My wife and I were on the trail crossing Wakley Dam at 8am on Sunday. Perfect weather and a nice breeze. We hiked about 2 miles on the trail that goes north along the Cedar Brook until we took a right and started whacking eastward toward Brown Pond.
Took just under 3 hours to get to the summit of The un-named Brown Pond peak. There was an american flag zip-tied to the summit tree. From there we dropped way down to the notch between Panther and Brown Pond, where we crossed a jeep trail. Then it was about a 2000' slog up Panther from the notch.
We followed the ridge from Panther to South Panther. South Panther had a steep summit cone, but was pretty straight forward. We kept on the ridge which maintained a fairly consistent elevation heading in a southerly direction until we reached Buell at 4pm. Buell had no markings on the summit, except a POSTED sign several yards from the summit which I think may mark a private Hunting Club boundary to the east.

Descending Buell took FOREVER because there is no straight forward way from Buell westward back to the Wakley Dam. You have to go down and around through two notches which was a huge pain in the ass. Lots of cutting around on the cusp of sub peaks following contour lines which is difficult navigating, but by 7:30 we were back at the Wakley Dam. We immediately jumped in the lake behind the dam which felt amazing to rinse off nearly 12 hours of sweat and dirt.

This was a very long, but awesome hike. Approximately 12-13 miles to do the horseshoe route and cover all 4 peaks. There were no biting bugs and the forests were quite open. Never once did the forests even come close to being thick like the McDonnel hellish onslaught I was assaulted with a few weeks earlier. Easy to moderate bushwhacking (in terms of forest thickness) the entire time.

Summit of Buell. If you look closely you can see the yellow POSTED sign in the background on the left side in the distance behind the dead tree.

Full Contact insurance

For the first 2 years FEKM Krav Maga training is light contact.
But for the green belt and above (blue, brown, black), students below the age of 40 have to fight full contact 2 x 2 minutes. No winner announced but this is a test of courage, composure and respect.
This would be no more frequent than once per year.

Our regular insurance only provides for light contact, and assumes that injury by excessive force is accidental.
Full contact is assumed to be reserved for events and is not insured. They say that even white-collar boxing is uninsured. Is this true?

So I am looking for personal injury insurance for those events for my students. I have found companies that insure boxers, but the cost is prohibitive and assumes frequent competitive or heavy contact sparring.
Are there MMA clubs out there (MMA is the closest thing that I can see to our grading bouts) that carry insurance for training and for hosting events where full contact is practiced?

Does anyone know of injury insurance for very occasional deliberate full contact or an insurance company that might discuss it?

lundi 29 août 2016

Such accomplishments would be absurd

Such accomplishments would be absurd to corruption Silk Road. It can happilyshift servers at will, complete attainable acknowledgment to the Tornetwork, and could calmly about-face to an accession transaction method.It's added acceptable to aching the alpha Bitcoin economy, the bulk of which some altercate isartificially aggrandized by speculators. If those speculators get coldfeet, that bulk is acceptable to crash.

However it'll be near-impossible to wholly eradicate its use.Due to the decentralised attributes of bitcoins, all that's requiredfor the alteration of bill is for two bodies to be animate theopen-source software. All that's acceptable to be afflicted is theadmittedly-important bazaar bulk of the currency.

The DEA's spokesperson, Dawn Dearden, told Reuters that the organisation "is consistently evaluatingand allegory new technologies and schemes perpetrated by drugtrafficking networks. While we will not affirm or abjure the existenceof specific investigations, DEA is able-bodied acquainted of these emergingthreats and we will act accordingly Cheap NBA 2K17 MT, NBA 2K17 VC Accounts Store – NBA2K16Coins.COM."

The currency which we afresh committed

The currency which we afresh committed an chance of ourpodcast to, is the answerable of an attainable letter that democraticsenators Charles Schumer of New York and Joe Manchin of WestVirginia afresh wrote to the United States' advocate general,Eric Holder, and arch of the biologic administering administering DEA,Michele Leonhart. In it, they authentic apropos about the currency'suntracable nature.

A recent, somewhat sensationalist, affection on Gawker discussed Bitcoin's use on a websitecalled the Silk Road, which is abandoned attainable through theanonymising Tor network, and abandoned accepts bitcoins as transaction forits atramentous bazaar goods. The senators' letter cites this report, andothers related, advancement law administering agencies to "take immediateaction and shut down the Silk Alley network".

Troublingly, it seems that the senators are lumping calm twounconnected things. Bitcoin operates absolutely afar fromSilk Road. Shutting down the aloft to ambition the closing isentirely akin to banning admirable because it can be acclimated tobuy drugs. Bitcoin enthusiasts abhorrence that the government mighttarget exchanges like Mt Gox thatare acclimated to buy bitcoins, and shut them down admitting it's unclearwhere Mt Gox is based -- some affirmation Japan Buy Cheap NFL 16 Coins 24/7 Friendly Service On LOLGA, Buy Madden 16 Coins and NFL Coins Fastest Delivery and Lowest Prices, 100%

Muay Thai Equipment

Can you please let me know where do you get high quality muay thai gloves?
I tried to look online but most the website i found like with reasonable prices are sellers from Thailand. I kinda need them urgent and cannot wait for the long delivery time.

Chi blast through Jalapeno's

Ok, most of the time I am good at following my school's teachings to not speak out negatively against other schools or styles.


I don't know whether to laugh :D or cry:cry:- perhaps both.

My understanding is that this is not intended as a spoof of chi, but meant as a real demonstration of blasting someone to move back with chi energy- transferred through jalapeno's.

Yes, you read that right. I am just flabbergasted. Just when I thought I have seen everything on the subject.

Outer Gooley fauna question (long shot)

On the off chance someone knows the name of the cultivar or knows the person who planted a particular apple tree growing in proximity to outer gooley club house, I'd greatly appreciate any help. Would love to plant one in my yard.

Please PM for more specifics.

Sorry for being so vague, but don't want any spot burning from posts on the net.

Little Tupper Lake & Rock Pond

Want To Shine In Neverwinter Xbox? Try These Bright Ideas!

Few homes don't have a Neverwinter or two inside. Some play these games for work, while others play them for enjoyment. The one thing you can be sure of is that neverwinter astral diamonds xbox Neverwinter Xbox is here to stay. The advice below is truly priceless.

Turn on subtitles. Do you find dialogue hard to hear because of the music, special effects and other game components? Use the feature that allows subtitles. Many games have audio setting options in their menu. Such menus generally offer a way to turn subtitles on and off.

To save money, consider purchasing used games. Neverwinter Nights can sometimes be really pricey, sometimes more than 50 bucks. Spending that amount of money only to find out that the game isn't your cup of tea is a costly mistake. Used Neverwinter Nights cost much less than brand new games.

If you must pause to reload in a shooter game setting, always do so after taking cover. It's a common occurrence for FPSers to get pwned because they failed to take adequate cover before reloading. Don't do this! Find cover and then reload.

Should your youngster be using a console for online gaming, ensure that you have adjusted any parental controls you find necessary before he plays. This can apply filters to the available games that kids can play, and only gives them information that is suitable for them. You can also limit the amount of online chatting they'll have access to.

Make the screen brighter. While you may enjoy having the screen set to match the scene in which you are playing, it can actually make it more difficult to play the game. The dark colors will increase your difficulty in playing the game. If you are concerned about performance, reduce the brightness of your game. You can tell the difference between certain colors on the screen.

There are Neverwinter Nights that are educational. These titles will help your little one gain knowledge and have fun at the same time. You can find a lot of good reviews online for games that are deemed appropriate for children.

You should enjoy gaming with your child. Experiencing the game play together gives you a great chance to learn about your child and their interests. Having something in common with your children can open up the door to meaningful conversations. Neverwinter Nights are a great way to help your child build developmental skills, not to mention keeping your mind sharp as well.

Take a few breaks when you start playing a game that you're not able to step away from easily. You can actually get addicted to games in an unhealthy way if you don't step away from time to time. Playing is enjoyable, but only if you regulate your time. If you are addicted to gaming, you should talk to your doctor.

A lot of Internet games only allow players to earn game rewards slowly, but give them the chance to pay real money to advance faster. Think of the pros and cons of doing either. Although they can actually offer not a lot of enhanced play to your Neverwinter Xbox experience. However, they can save time.

To learn more about your children's gaming habits, play the games yourself. Spend some time playing the game and watching your child play. Ask questions to show that you are interested. The best experience is always hands-on!

As this article said in the beginning, Neverwinter Nights aren't going away in the future. It's a lot of fun. Take what you've learned from this article, put it to use, and start having some fun playing Neverwinter Nights.

L'USD en hausse après Jackson Hole

Le dollar a continué à s'apprécier lundi, après que des responsables de la Réserve fédérale ont fait part de leurs doutes vis-à-vis des taux d'intérêt négatifs lors du symposium de deux jours tenu à Jackson Hole. A cette occasion, plusieurs gouverneurs de la Fed se sont exprimés en faveur d'un tour de vis en septembre ou décembre, arguant de l'amélioration du marché du travail et de l'ensemble de...






En savoir plus sur le broker forex ACM (Advanced Currency Markets)

Quiet water camping

Am looking to take my wife and 8 year old twins up for a 2 night canoe camping trip. We usually do Tioga Point on Racquette Lake but are looking for something a little less susceptible to wind and chop, and for a change of pace.

Also, we are outgrowing a 17' canoe when the dog comes with (and he will be coming along) so are going to split into two canoes for this trip. I am looking for a fairly small body of water but with campsites along the shore - under 2 miles from put in.

Am considering South Pond between Long and Blue Mountain lakes and Cedar River Flow between Indian Lake and Inlet. I'd like to keep it Central to Western as I'm coming out of Rochester and want as much daylight getting in as possible.

Am wondering if anyone has paddled either of these and or if anyone has other spots in the area they can recommend.

I did a search but a flood of hits came back that didn't give me any specifics - I am not so good on the search feature...


E Peaked Hill 8/29

Parked in the newish TH N of Exit 28 on 9,off by 8ish.Woods rd to the I87 culvert continue on to the T and hung a R.Quickly turns into a a fine herd path with blazes hacheted into trees on the L.After crossing the deep ravineish brook took a hard L up to the col of S and E,at the col headed up to the R for E.Steep slippery red pine needle ascent led to open rock and a stellar view of Hoffman,Blue Ridge and the HP's.Headed back down to the col and 1/2 way up S before my quads started cramping,guess I should do less reading and more hiking but these high dewpoints have been killing my knees.A really nice area and didn't see a single poop and TP if you don't count the deer,horses and bears. Some pics.

RIP Gene Wilder

Noooo! Say it's an Onion piece! :cry:
News report on the internet feed says Gene Wilde passed on today.
Yes, Willy Wonka. The factory really belongs to Charlie now. :sniffle:

"Young Frankenstein" is still one of my all-time favorite comedies. And back when HBO was new I must have watched "Silver Streak" 40 times.

Close combat

Based on another thread, I'm thinking that there is some differences in opinion on what are the functional ranges in unarmed combat.

Let me start in controversial manner by stating there is only one functional range in unarmed combat, and it is associated with close combat. This range overlaps between medium clinch and medium punch ranges.

I call this area the red zone and is a sort of sweet spot for striking.

What defines it is two factors I believe are true for this range:
1) Ease of learning to be good at this range.
2) Where the most damage is done typically in unarmed combat.

Of particular emphasis is the ease of learning. People naturally gravitate to this range for learning power and speed with striking. If not taught otherwise, fights could end up at this range in a slugfest. What this means for a skilled fighter is that to stay in this range is very dangerous because even if you are a master in martial arts, any opponent in this range could be equally as good or better than you since it is a natural range to strike at.

Martial arts develop to avoid long exchanges in this range because anyone can come out on top and trade blows at this range... it is dangerous.

Some martial arts emphasize moving in closer than this range, where it takes more skill to be good. Moving closer tends to take the power and leverage away from opponents that aren't as skilled. Some martial arts emphasize moving away farther than this range, when it takes more skill to be good at the longer ranged striking.

Here is an example of boxer's strategy against a wrestler. A wrestler will build up skill in grappling, but more than likely the punching skill of the wrestler will be best only in that red zone. The boxer would avoid long exchanges in the red zone where the wrestler's punches could be as good as the boxer's punches. Instead move further out where the wrestlers punches won't be as good as the boxer's or move closer in where the wrestler's punches won't be as good as the boxers. Of course if the range ends up closer, the boxer will need good takedown defense and will want to know some wrestling themselves.

Alternatively, the wrestler's strategy is about the same, only more extreme on the ranges. Wrestler wants to avoid that red zone because even a bad boxer can have good punches in the red zone. The wrestler wants longer range outside of punches or even closer range, inside of clinch. If the wrestler punches, it will most likely be in the red zone where they naturally have better punches, but still a skilled wrestler would not want to say in the red zone for long.

The only ones that seem to want to stay in the red zone are either those that want to exchange blows. Sometimes this is unavoidable, but if it is avoidable, I'd like to know why being in the red zone would be preferred by any skilled martial artist.


Hudson River from Cronins

A bunch of us intend on paddling from Cronin's down to the camp sites above Lake Luzern. Mixed group from new to white water experience.

Anyone paddled this? Moving current, fast, slow, shallow, etc...?

Any information is appreciated.

Demian Maia, what else can you say

But has to be the best submission artist to enter the cage, his riding the hips from half guard to take the back last night was a thing of beauty

A self defense story

When I was in college I had a girlfriend who studied Chemistry.

One night she was at the lab late. I had agreed to meet her there as she finished up her lab work.

It was about a 10 minute walk from the lab building to the parking lot where her car was.

As we left the lab building around maybe 9pm, there was no one else around.
But as we turned onto the path towards the parking lot, a guy started following us.

At first I didn't think anything of it, but he was acting oddly:
- Kept staying behind things so it was hard to see him. E.g., stayed behind a bush/wall until we turned a corner, then would follow some more, staying behind a row of bushes or whatnot.
- Kept altering his pace so he didn't come into full view of us.
- Not really sure, I just really felt like something was wrong.

There was no one else around, and we were heading into an even more secluded area on the way to the parking lot.

So I pulled out my new 4" buck knife I had gotten the other day, and very loudly started telling my girlfriend about how much I liked my new big knife while making sure to make the knife very visible.

I opened it for her, loudly discussed how big the blade was, etc.

The guy stopped following us about 10 seconds after I started talking about my knife.

Perhaps not the story you were expecting. I'm not even positive he had ill intentions (I certainly thought so, but I could have been wrong).
But if he did, I think the knife talk discouraged him.

Potential violent situation averted.

Happy birthday Dan93!

Happy birthday to my fellow Thelemite/Pagan/Heathen/Occultist!

93/93 Frater!

Spartan sprint Peterborough first timer

Hey all doing the Peterborough spartan sprint Saturday 3rd of September and wondering if anybody who has done any of these or had any last minute tips/advice for me :) Anyone here be down there on the 3rd?


Less than two weeks to go and three slots are open...

dimanche 28 août 2016

Try These Great Tips For Neverwinter Xbox!

Lots of craziness in the Neverwinter Xbox world, and lots of new and exciting worlds to conquer! You will gain advice from the article below that will help you make the most of the time you spend gaming. To learn more, keep on reading!

Buy used. Most new Neverwinter Nights cost at least $50 these days. If you purchase a new game and do not like it, you have wasted a lot of money. You can save as much as 50% by purchasing used Neverwinter Nights.

Take cover whenever you need a neverwinter nights diamond reload of your weapon during game play. Gamers are often killed when their characters are left standing in the open as the reload animation plays. Don't make this mistake. Take cover first, and reload only after you've found shelter.

It's important to set up a console that connected to the Internet to maximum privacy. This helps to filter out the stuff you don't want your child seeing, and makes sure that the information they see is age appropriate. In addition, you can set limits on chat to limit their contact with other people.

Online games need to be viewed with a critical eye. You may find that there's a monthly charge. It's up to you to check out any site that your children would like to sign up for. Be certain about fees. If there is a fee, decide whether or not the game is worth it.

Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. There are normally modes that don't allow youngsters to access heavier material. Customizing and blocking some of this content is the best way to go.

Encourage your children to play on consoles rather than computers. Consoles let you control their privacy, security settings, and content since they can bypass these restrictions online. You can control the games much more on a console.

If possible, try games out before you buy them at your local library. They usually have an assortment to try. Just call and ask if they are in possession of the game you want; they usually have different games for different consoles.

Don't let kids play a game before you check its rating. Some games contain violence or other adult themes so they carry an adult rating. It's not the best choice to allow children to play games like this. Violent Neverwinter Nights can give children nightmares and affect their behavior.

Keep posture in mind while playing your games. If you sit down when playing games, you may want to use a stability ball which can help to straighten out your spine. Also, you may want to take snack breaks and stretch to keep your body healthy.

Playing Neverwinter Nights and getting lost in this world is definitely lots of fun and highly relaxing. You can learn so many things, and have a lot of fun while doing it. Use these tips to get the most of your video playing time and money.

Moose River Plains deafening silence

My brother and I were in MRP and West Canada Lakes on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. We did multiple day hikes to places like Falls Pond, Wolf Lake, Mitchell Pond and Helldiver and Icehouse Ponds. This was our first time out there and it was incredibly beautiful. The thing that really stuck out to us was the almost deafening silence - meaning lack of sounds from animal/insect life. On every hike and especially at night it was almost eerily quiet, no birds, crickets, deer or anything else making noise. Living in Florida my whole life, I have camped/backpacked for 30+ years while in Florida and the woods were always noisy at night from some sort of bird, frog, deer, hogs or gators. In MRP there seemed to be nothing...My question... is that normal? Obviously we were looking for solitude and found it, just curious if the area is normally this quiet caused by the seemingly lack of animal life?

Good workouts for grapplers

So I'm hoping in a year from now I'll be in a place where I'm able to join either a BJJ or Judo dojo. In the mean time though, I want to gain some muscle so I can train at my best once I join. I'm currently 5'4 and a measly 105lb (that's 7.5 stone or 47.6 kg). That's not exactly great for not getting thrown around in my previous experience :bang:

Does anyone here know of any workout routines that are specifically geared toward grapplers? Or simply specific muscle groups I should focus on?

Thanks friends!


Hi all, I have been training in Aikido for nearly 7 years and currently at 2nd kyu, I took my last grading in 2014. I have always wanted to achieve my Dan grade but not in an ego way like some but I have become very dissaponted with the whole set up.
I am a big lad over weight but I never give up, always respect my sempai and senses's. For the past two years I have been told I am over weight and unfit and this has really knocked my confidence. I love aikido and found it to be a great release for daily pressures but feel I can't get over the comments of some seniors in my organisation. Also my confidence is low which has never been an issue as I played semi professional rugby, but grading does mean a lot to me and the achievement of a Dan grade is essential for progression, can anyone give me feedback on how to overcome my issues or is it time to find a new martial art, or just enjoy my training

Exploring the Middle Branch Oswegatchie

I took four days to explore more of the Middle Branch Oswegatchie. I have traversed its route from the source at Walker Lake to the end of the Alder Bed Flow. This trip would concentrate on a section further downstream between the Jack-Works and Maple Hill. I was successful in reaching a point just south of the Great Corner, which leaves a two-mile section for a future adventure.

I haven't the knowledge of how to post photos to this forum. Sense the demise of Picasa Web Albums I have lost the ability to share photo essays of my adventures. I'll be looking for something new and hope folks here may have insight. The thing I liked about Picasa, besides the fact that I knew how to use it, was the map feature where I could choose to share the location of a photo, captions were easy and I could edit anything at any time. I dread the challenge of learning new computer skills.

I can't say that I understand Facebook but I have a page and it may serve as a substitute until I learn something new.


Offer to trade - pulk sled

I have a homemade pulk and I don't need it anymore but I need two sleds that are the same type that you use for a pulk. I will trade. I am in New Jersey.

The Pulk has PVC poles sized for snowshoeing not for cross country skiing.

New Trail up Iron Mountain

A couple years ago, I emailed the Giant Wilderness DEC Forester and suggested the creation of a trail up Iron Mt. Lo and behold, such a trail appears in the Giant UMP. I'm happy to report a trail has been started. They still have a long way to go, but there is copious blue flagging to the top.
I would rate the trail easy to moderate, gaining 1,800 feet over about 3 miles. Through a mostly deciduous forest, the best views to the east on this east-west trail would be after the leaves are down. Near the top, views open up to the west and include the Roaring Brook drainage with Bald and Rocky peaks, Rocky Peak Ridge, Giant, Green, and, further off, Hurricane. Northwest Bay on Lake Champlain is seen in the east, not to mention, my house.
The trail begins at a small turnout just south of Lobdell Ln on Rt 9, halfway between Elizabethtown and New Russia. It briefly follows an old logging road, passing a small ice climbing rock on the left, whose name eludes me. Blue flagging vears off to the right or you can stay on the logging road to the cut trail which ends after a half mile or so. There is no drama anywhere except for 3 ground bee/hornet nests, two of which are marked by red tape.
After reaching the small summit you could continue on a straightforward bushwhack over to Owls Head Lookout, visible just to the right of
Green Mt., and its beautiful trail down to Rt 9N. My wife pointed out some iron on the rocks which can mess with your compass.
Post hike, I recommend a dip in the pristine waters of the Boquet River and a visit to the newly re-opened Deer's Head Inn and Restaurant in E'town.

samedi 27 août 2016

Traditional wing chun vs modern wing chun?

Traditional wing chun vs modern wing chun? There seem to be some schools out there now teaching some of these newer modern wing chun. :Alien::Alien:

Okay. :Alien: So you know the Traditional wing chun like this.

The old traditional wing chun like this?

Some of these new modern wing chun seem very odd and different. In my opinion, if I was going to a wing chun school I would pick the old traditional wing chun.:p:p But that is just me.

I wonder what some of the members here that are training in wing chun or have had training in wing chun think of the modern wing chun.

Some modern wing chun like this.

The web site does not say what type of wing chun it is :cry::cry::cry: other than it is some modern wing chun. It looks very different than the old Traditional wing chun.

Lake island - Labor day permits


does anybody have a suggestion for some camping spot that might still be available on a lake island anywhere in the ADKs for labor day? Popular spots like Saranac are of course not available on

I'd like to rent a couple of canoes with a party of 4 and spend a night anywhere either the 3th or the 4th.


Auger Falls Mishap?

Just curious if anyone knows what happened at Auger Falls (between Wells and Speculator) yesterday (8/26)? We hiked in with some friends early afternoon and then hiked out by way of the trail that follows along the river and returns at the north end of the parking area. When we were leaving the parking area, emergency personnel were arriving and one of our party heard them say they were going to have to rope the victim out. We had observed a young lady that seemed a bit careless at the falls and wonder if perhaps she was the victim?

RS 2007 Tips And Tricks For Better Scores And Skills

Anyone can enjoy Runescape, whether they're used for exercise or stress relief. This article will give you a good idea of what some great games are, how to advance in them and how to get the most from the experience.

If you have children, you may want to consider consoles over computers for Runescape. You will be able to control privacy and the content your children are exposed to buy runescape gold more easily with a console. By having a console system with enabled security, privacy and content settings, you child can remain safe while playing Runescape.

Go to the library to try a game before you buy it. Many public libraries have a lot of Runescape you can try for free. Libraries have expanded to offer Runescape, new movies and even mp3 players with books on them.

Make sure you watch out for your kids when it comes to online games. Keep tabs on exactly who they're playing games with. Some people use online gaming in order to manipulate young children. To ensure that this does not happen to anyone in your family be sure to keep a close eye on what they are doing online.

When attempting to locate Runescape that are on sale, find out what the game's Metacritic score is. Many games are so cheap because they are no fun. Buying it would not be a deal since you will never really play it. The ratings can help you when it comes to purchasing a new game.

If you want to buy a hot new game, make sure you reserve it at the store in advance, rather than waiting for a general release date. Sometimes there are bonuses you can get when you're ordering a game before it comes out. These bonuses can give you an edge in the game, cool outfits, and unique features that are only available when purchased before release.

It's important to try multiple genres of games. Many gamers tend to stick to a single game type, such as first person shooters or RPGs. Trying out different kinds of Runescape will help you enjoy your gaming experience more and lead to more exciting adventures.

Choose a quality video connection. Cables which come with a system often offer differing connections. What kind of cable do you use if your display supports different connectors? If you can, use DVI or HDMI to get the best picture. After them, the best are S-Video, Composite, and RCA. The most typical connector is the coaxial cable, but this is also a low-quality option. If you have not other choice, this is what you must use.

See if you can limit how many cheat codes you place into skill games. Not using codes allows you to get the most from the enjoyment intended by the creators. Cheat codes and other tricks can help you greatly with sports-related Runescape and enhance your game play without ruining the experience.

Whether you want to have fun or improve a skill, Runescape offer many advantages. These games can increase your speed, increase your brainpower, or simply help you escape stress for a while. Apply what you've learned here, and take your gaming to that next level.

vendredi 26 août 2016

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Deadliest Martial Arts in the World

Just came across this... I alway wonder how they figure this stuff out

You know, I have trained 2 of these......apparently I am a dangerous man....WHO KNEW!!!!! :D

Yongchun White Crane


I just wanted to ask if anyone knew the Yongchun White Crane style of kungfu, the one taught for instance by Masters Su Yinghan and Pan Chengmiao? I recently discovered that style and fell in love with it. I am considering travelling to Yongchun for a month to Master's Pan school and was also wondering if anyone had been there or would be interested to go.

Here is a link to their website:

It would be great to get some feedback if you did travel there or be in touch if willing to go :)



‘Steady' ADK club/group/chapter

Hello everyone! I’m very interested in doing the High Peaks (I have done 11 to date); however, I live in Texas, and my husband is starting to be unable to do much backpacking anymore (he has scoliosis).

What I’m looking for is a group/chapter/club that are reliable in doing any hikes/trips that they schedule, hike the high peaks on a regular basis and has a consistent group of ‘core’ people. My thinking is because I buy nonrefundable airline tickets (they’re cheaper), last minute cancellations of trips because of fickleness would be very problematic. Also, if I fly up there, I’d rather just do the High Peaks, so group/chapters that spend a lot of time doing other things won’t work for me. Finally, just as a personal security measure (I’m female), I’d like to backpack with people I can at least kind of get to know ahead of time. My thinking is I would start day hikes with them (my husband can do those) and get to know them.

Any recommendations for any groups? I know that's a tall order, but I thought I would at least ask. --Mary

Cascade vs. Adams?

Our family is planning a first time visit to the Adirondacks.

We'll be climbing Cascade Mountain (surprise, surprise). That hike is very well documented from a layman's perspective and seems to be within the ability of our family.

How is the Mount Adams Fire Tower hike by comparison? Similar? More difficult?

Cascade has a vertical gain of 1940 feet over 2.4 miles. Adams has a vertical gain of 1830 feet over 2.4 miles.

But reading some trip reports leads me to believe there may be more to the story ...


Buttermilk Pond/Round Pond/Lily Pond trail

Both "My Trails" overlay and Google Earth Pro show a trail from Lily Pond to Round Pond and on to Buttermilk Pond. Has anyone ever hiked on those trails and are they passable most times of the year or do they get flooded? Are they an actual hiking trail or more of a herdpath?

Any experience on those trails would be welcome and appreciated.

Les marchés suspendus à Jackson Hole

Nous y voici*: ce vendredi, nous connaîtrons enfin les vues de Janet Yellen sur l'éventualité d'une hausse des taux. Le marché est de plus en plus impatient d'entendre ce que la présidente de la Réserve fédéralea à dire : se joindra-t-elle aux voix des autres membres de la Fed pour préparer le marché à un resserrement*? A en juger par les Treasuries US et les futures sur les fonds fédéraux, les...






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jeudi 25 août 2016

LOST BearVault 450V Lake Colden

Placed bear vault between two trees at campsite behind leanto at lake colden dam. Climbed mt colden, was gone from 3-6:30. Came back to find bearvault missing. Assumed bear batted it away but a 2 hr search that evening and another 2 hours in the morning found nothing. Hoping the 'bear' isn't human. Contained small folding stove, pot along with food. Please keep an eye out! Willing to hike back in to pick it up.
Thank you!

Temples in China: Worth it or tourist trap?

Hello all,

Lately I have been researching temples in China, as I want to go 6 months to year to a temple in China to learn. But I hear very mixed opinions, as many say they are tourist traps and that it's hard to find authentic temples with masters that take Westerners seriously. In your opinion, is it worth spending time at a temple to further training? If yes, can anyone recommend one that takes teaching and training seriously? There are so many available and it's hard finding information on which ones are legit.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Disability Friendly Judo Club London?

As per title: can anybody recommend a club of this nature? A place I won't feel conspicuous or treated much differently for good or ill. I live in Central London (WC) which renders some clubs just too far away or difficult to reach/return home from e.g Budokwai; however I am prepared to try if they are exceptional. Preference is for BJA clubs although any is fine.

I have MS, last practicing properly ten years ago at university, shortly before becoming unwell. Tried a club three years ago in another part of the country -- ultimately a horrendous experience, something I wish not to repeat.

Thank you!

Camels Hump Aug 21, 2016

Hiked Camel's Hump last Sunday.
Up at 3:30 am, in the car at 4.
Hiking under the headlamp by 5:15.

At the clearing near the summit by 6:45. Weather was blowing, so I sat and made coffee and had a snack, then did the final .3 miles.

Camels Hump dawn patrol by Mike, on Flickr

Coffee outside while watching the summit weather by Mike, on Flickr

Camels Hump dawn patrol by Mike, on Flickr

Windy up top. Lovely hike, saw 4 other folks. A college couple in sweat pants that looked to have spent the night somewhere high up, a long trail section hiker, and another gentleman who was on the summit snacking. He tented on the east side and climbed up that morning hoping to catch the sunrise, but was clouded in.

Camels Hump dawn patrol by Mike, on Flickr

Camels Hump dawn patrol by Mike, on Flickr

Was home to Burlington by 10:30am.

Crucifix Position

Who here plays in the crucifix position in Jiu Jitsu. I have just recently started playing there. Since I am proficient off my opponent's back, I decided to see what else I could do from the position, so I started going to the crucifix position ala Baret Yoshida.

I'm still figuring out the mechanics and how keep someone there, but I am having success. Anyone else like the crucifix?

For reference.

Definitive resource for route?

Out-of-towner here, attempting to plan a thru hike.

Just got my NatGeo map #736 of the NPT, ordered direct from NatGeo, dated "2015".

I see that DSettahr has posted on October, 2015 some corrections to campsites on this map. Thank you.

On the website, was posted the Gifford Valley Re-Route on September 16, 2015. This matches the printed NatGeo 736 route. Whew.

I have the 4th edition of the guidebook, copyright 2007, with a map copyright 2007, and a Cedar River Rd re-route insert that is copyright 2010. This seems outdated.

The ADK-Schenectady website reports that "The Adirondack Mountain Club revised and reprinted the Northville-Placid Trail Guide in 2015." Is this accurate? I can only find the "4th Edition" online.

My question to you knowledgeable folks is....Can I rely on the NatGeo #736 for the route and planning (notwithstanding the campsite designations)? Or is there other more recent info I would be missing? I'm thinking of just carrying the 736 map.

Thanks sincerely,

Washington, DC

Packable Jacket - Primaloft vs 'water proof' down

Looking at jackets/coats that pack down for lightweight backpacking. I am very intrigued by the Primaloft products I see. Good reviews, seem warm, and can get soaked and still insulate. Some are rated for sub 0F when active, right around 32F in camp.

Down seems to be recognized as best insulation to weight but not when it is wet. I am starting to see Durable Water Repellent or hydrophobic or what ever you might call it down jackets. Claim is 90+% insulation when wet.

Would love feedback on your coat/jackets and would love to hear if water proof down is truly that - downpour/fall in creek still insulates.

Thanks folks

Le Forex calme avant le discours de Yellen

Après une chute brutale mercredi, les cours du brut ont consolidé pendant la séance asiatique. Le West Texas Intermediate évoluait latéralement autour des $46.80 le baril, tandis que le Brent, la référence internationale, se traitait autour des $49. Le reflux de l'or noir est intervenu dans le sillage d'une progression inattendue des stocks américains. Ces derniers ont augmenté de 2.5 millions de...






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AMD RX 470 vs GTX 1060 3gb

Hai guys, I'm building my very first pc on a tight budget. My budget for a gpu is below RM 1k which falls under AMD RX 470 and GTX 1060 3gb. I've read some of the benchmark and it seems GTX 1060 3gb performs better than RX 470 but a lot of gamers expressed negativity towards the 3gb vram. I will only game at 1080p with everything maxed out, 60+ FPS not worrying about future proofing. Is it a wise choice for me to go for GTX 1060 3gb. What are ur thoughts?

mercredi 24 août 2016

Side kick flexibility issues

I have trouble with my side kicks. I am not even sure how common the names of our kicks are with other styles. Sure some I know are common, but some others I suspect have different names. Knife edge, speed thrust (basically a version of a knife edge) and the power thrust are the kicks that come to mind. Power thrust is a side kick where the leg is chambered sideways and you thrust out your leg and return it to a sideways position. Ideally, even with the knee a little lower than the foot- angling up a bit, but I can't do that.

In addition to needing to get them higher, I have pain issues too. When I do slow motion kicks, the side ones sometimes make my lower back spasm for the next couple of days. Stopped me from doing slow motion kicks, but I would like to get back to them.

Pain is in my lower back. I also have just tightness pain in the hip area. I need to go google some hip anatomy, because I am not sure how much of my issue might be hips vs specifically hip flexors.

When I do the power thrust, the tightness and bit of pain is in my standing leg more than my kicking leg. Also, I can't really chamber my leg as far back as it should be- just too tight.

Trying to go higher and do some new stretches caused pain in my left glute that felt like a sciatic pain, but it didn't go too far down the leg. That lasted a few days.

I do stretches, and am trying some new ones recently given to me by instructors as I have talked to them about this issue. But I thought I would pick the brains of you all here too.

Painting in Hudson River Special Management Area

My Non-Profit organization has been working hard this year in Hudson River Special Management Area. May 7th we attended I Love My Park Day and My volunteers and I met with Commissioner of NYSDEC he was there volunteering. Later that month my volunteers and I went back to HRSMA to paint campsite 10 out house and picnic table, someone wrote all over the picnic table there and it needed fresh coat of paint.

We walked up to Campsite 6 and there was a 30 acre fire back in April, Campsite 6 is not to far from the bear slides.

Upper Works on Labor Day weekend

Greetings :) I'm a (rather) longtime lurker but first time posting. I am hoping to park at upper works to hike mount skylight the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. I know this is a super popular hiking weekend, so I'm just wondering if anyone has any input on how quickly the upper works lot would fill up on a Saturday. I'm coming from Buffalo and would arrive around 1-2pm. Plan is to backpack in to the flowed lands and camp overnight, then summit on Sunday. Is it plausible that there would be available parking in the lot? This is a 7-day trip for me, so I can rearrange my plans to do this on one of the weekdays following the holiday (Tuesday-Thursday). Second, is it generally safe to ditch the pack at the leanto? There are a lot of things I'd prefer to not carry up the mountain (bear canister, tent, mess kit, sleeping bag, etc). I'd like to put the essentials (map, compass,
Trekking poles, water filter, bottle, bug spray, snacks) in my light day pack for that part of the hike. I guess I'm just wary and hope this is safe to do. I'll be solo and have no one else to rely on. I am an intermediate backpacker and have hiked solo/done overnights before, but do not consider myself expert level. Any input and experience/advice is greatly appreciated :)

PS: Will any forum members be in this area for the holiday weekend?

Pitchoff Mt. Ridge Trail – Another under-appreciated wonder.

Hiked this trail for the first time last Monday with my wife, son and daughter-in-law. It was amazing. And although the parking lots for Cascade (across the way) were full, we did not see a soul on the trail until the very end at Balanced Rocks (a destination in its own right).
This trail is book-ended by two wonderful stopping points – the east peak (best, most expansive view) and Balanced Rocks (a very cool place at the west end of the trail well below the west peak). You can do the trail from either end – shuttle required. The ascents/descents to both the east peak and the west peak (the true peak, has a large boulder but no view) are steep and a bit rough. Ascent from west trailhead (opposite Cascade trailhead) to west peak is 1300 feet; ascent from east trailhead to east peak is 1400 feet.
Between the two peaks you get a wonderful roller coaster ride up and down the ridge. Many wonderful views, but it was the trail itself that gave the most pleasure. The vertical loss/gain as you go up and down many times between the two peaks is not very great, but it still takes a long time because there are many interesting scrambles and minor obstacles as you make your way. I would describe it as a “technically challenging hike for complete amateurs”. We had a lot of fun hiking this trail. Lots of little challenges, and only one spot on the trail that scared us a little –climbing up over a big flat rock with very limited hand or foot holds.
You want to allow plenty of time for this hike. Its five miles takes a lot longer than you would expect. We actually spent nearly 8 hours on the trail! (Though we were lingering at many different points).

It was strange to find this trail empty while Cascade was jammed with hikers. I’m not knocking Cascade – it is a great hike with a wonderful peak. But it is not nearly as interesting or fun as Pitchoff. It is a mystery that Pitchoff seems to see so little use.

Another long bicycle/canoe trip report

This trip report ended up being almost infinitely long. I didn’t think it would be that bad when I started but it crept up on me. Picasaweb has gone away so I put my pictures on Flickr instead. They don’t seem to have a very good captioning system, but the caption will appear if you hover the mouse over the photo. I am baffled by some of how the site works but it always takes me a while to learn new things online.

Indian Lake Revisited, 8/14-8/20 2016
I charged off like the proverbial herd of turtles on the morning of Sunday the 14th just before 7 AM. The overnight low had been in the mid 70s so I didn’t need my fleece shirt like I usually do early in the morning. It was a hot day, but cloudy most of the time and the wind was from the west which helped me along. I stopped for a quick immersion at the reservoir in Redfield and the stream at Swancott Mill, and that helped me stay cooler. Once I got to West Leyden I went to Boonville instead of the way I have always gone through Constableville. I started going that way because it was the suggested route from Google Maps back in 2009, and I never looked into it as carefully as I should have. In Boonville I got slightly lost and traveled an extra mile or so but came out where I wanted to be, at the beginning of Moose River Rd. There is a nice park there, and a cemetery with some very bizarre architecture, but I didn’t get pictures of any of it since I wanted to save space on my camera. I soon came to a sign that said PAVEMENT ENDS and wondered if I should turn back, as dirt roads really slow me down with the trailer and canoe, but I decided to press on and see what happened. I came to a very nice steel deck bridge over the Black River, which is much smaller at that point than where I normally cross it in Port Leyden. After that there were a few steep climbs that I had to walk, but soon it leveled out pretty well. After several miles I came out at the intersection on the other Moose River Rd that I have always taken that runs from Port Leyden to McKeever. This new route saved me 2 or 3 miles and avoided some of the worst hills on my old route, so I will use it in the future. A few miles from McKeever I found a frog in the road with a piece of grass in its mouth, and after it didn’t move when I nearly ran over it I went back to see if it was alive. It seemed to be just sitting there so I moved it off the pavement. My mother says she thinks it is a wood frog after seeing the pictures. The Moose was as high as I have seen it in all of the summers I’ve been going by there, so I stayed out of the main current when I took a break there. I got into Old Forge about 3, filled up my water bottles at the visitor center, bought a sandwich to take along for supper and left a message at home saying I had arrived safely. After a stop in Inlet to refill bottles again at the park and get some things at the grocery I arrived at 8th Lake somewhat after 6. There were a couple of sprinkles along the way but no real rain. Instead of putting in at the parking pullout (which was full of cars) I hid my bike and trailer behind some spruces very close to the road about 1/4 mile down the road and carried my stuff down to the water, a short but steep and brushy trip. The lean-to on the island and the one on the shore next to it were both occupied by a large party from what I could see across the water so I headed up the lake and found the lean-to by the carry trail empty. I ate supper by the lake, sitting on a rock, and slept in the lean-to that night. The loons were calling a lot through the night, which was very nice.

On Monday morning I got going about 6 and was back on the water before 7. I paddled around the headland on the way back down the lake and found a couple of areas that would make good campsites if all of the lean-tos were full. I took the canoe out at the foot of the path up to the road and carried everything up where the going was easy. Then I walked down the road, got the bike and trailer out of the woods and rode back up to where the canoe was. I visited a spot where the road runs by Racquette Lake where I found a huge hemlock and then I stopped at Death Falls, which I had never visited though I had seen it in the guide books and on maps. It’s not marked anymore, except that the road is closed off with a gate. It was a short walk in and not much of a destination, but now I know what I was missing. I reached Blue Mountain Lake by mid-morning and called home again, since I had left a message the day before and wasn’t sure it had been received. On my way out near Lake Durant I met a fellow who took my picture and said he would make me famous. He said he is a freelancer working for Adirondack magazine, which I am not sure I have heard of. I stopped at Rock Lake and carried the canoe down the hill. The water level was also high here, and the small beaches along the southeast corner were flooded. The big beach was still there and I waded over to the southern point and discovered a designated campsite there which I had never known about. I also found a fishing lure with two triple hooks on the lake bottom, and I was glad I hadn’t stepped on it. I checked out the island, which was not very accessible, and headed back up the lake to the put-in. The stream by the put-in was interesting traveling in the canoe since it was too narrow to use the paddle, but I found my way back to the trail after a bit. On the way down I passed a group of people with a canoe and a lot of camping gear sitting by the trail register, although there were no cars in the parking area. I thought someone must be coming to pick them up but when I came back two or three hours later they were still there. I didn’t ask if they needed a ride since I wasn’t able to offer them one. I saw a strip canoe being towed behind a van that was somehow heading south on 28 and north on 30 as I was going north on 28 and south on 30. This confuses me even though I was there, but that is the way the road is marked. It was the only other strip canoe I saw all week. I stopped to eat a late lunch by the cemetery at the corner of Cedar River Rd which is one of my favorite places to eat since it has the most comfortable kind of guardrail and I can get far enough off the main highway to be safely out of the way of traffic. I filled my water bottles at the Indian Lake town hall, got a little more food at the One Stop and headed for Indian Lake Dam Rd. I was planning to hide my canoe there that night and put in the next day to paddle down the lake, but the state and private lands were not marked by the dam and I couldn’t tell where I was allowed to go. If I went far enough back that I was sure I was on state land I got into a spruce thicket and a swamp, so I decided to abandon that part of the plan and move on to Chimney Mountain. About 3 miles from the mountain my rear shifter cable broke right at the bar-end lever, so I had to tie the remaining cable around the bike frame and lock the rear derailleur in place. I chose the third-lowest sprocket out of 9, figuring that would be the best compromise. I should have been carrying a spare cable but I had never broken one before so I didn’t think to. In future i will carry more parts with me. I still had 3 working speeds on the front shifter so I was able to get by, just not quite as comfortably. I hid the canoe and trailer in the woods on state land where the road turns to gravel and loaded what I needed for the night on the bike. Once I got to Chimney Mountain I parked the bike by the payment box and paid for 2 days of parking. I got pretty hot climbing the mountain even though I tried to take it very slowly and deliberately, so when I got to the top it took me a while to cool off. No one else was on the mountain since I didn’t start up it till about 6. It was a beautiful evening with perfectly still air. While eating supper on one of the rocks near the chimney I was visited by a very odd-looking insect that sat on my dry bag for a long time. I took a couple of close up photos of it, the actual size is about 1/2” long not counting the antennae. I was happy to see that there was still a Camp Here disk on the tree in the are where I camped before, so I set up my tent without the rain fly and then headed over to the true summit. The air was so still that from the summit I could hear rushing water from the valley to the northeast if I went over to that edge. The moon came up and peeped through the clouds a few times, and it seemed a lot bigger and closer than it looks in the pictures. I headed back to the camping area and went to sleep pretty soon. In the night the moon came through the clouds a lot more and the light was very pretty several times when I woke up. I heard an owl of a kind I am not accustomed to. It startled me when it made a sort of scream-like call but then it settled down to more normal hooting.

On Tuesday morning I got up and packed the tent right away because I thought it was supposed to rain. I went over to the summit again and as I arrived I saw that the sunrise was spectacular. I took a lot of pictures and looked at it for a while and then I turned around to see what I could see in other directions and there right behind me the way I had come was a huge rainbow. I couldn’t get it all in one frame, and both it and the sunrise colors faded pretty soon as the sun rose above the cloud layer, but it was one of the most beautiful things I have seen. As I was eating breakfast up near the chimney it began to sprinkle so I got under a large overhang to finish eating. Then I packed up everything and headed along the end of the rift valley to Eagle Cave. I put my stuff inside the opening to stay dry and crawled in. The first part didn’t seem as tight of a squeeze as I remembered it from 3 years ago, and someone had left a rope so I was able to go down the 12’ or so bank of rock into the inner part of the cave. I traveled around all of the parts that I could get to without having to crawl, since I didn’t have long pants with me and my knees are not up to a lot of it. There was one lower part that looked pretty tight, and another place with a vertical crack of maybe 20 feet deep that I couldn’t access, but I enjoyed looking around the main parts. Then I looked at some other smaller caves along below the Eagle Cave entrance for a while and headed out around 10. Another party came up just as I was leaving but I didn’t see them, only heard their voices. On the way down the rocks were a bit damp and I held my dry bag with my tent and clothes behind me while walking down the rock slabs to be a landing pad in case I slipped. I was relieved to find my bike where I had left it, and as I was heading over to it a charter bus pulled up and poured out a whole herd of people. The driver was curious about the mountain and asked me some questions, and said he would like to bring his granddaughter there. I hope they will go, I think it would be a great place for kids. I headed back up the road and found the canoe where I had left it, hidden with some dead beech branches I had found that still had the leaves on them. I got everything hooked up and headed back up the hills. I had to walk the bike a bit more and I couldn’t pedal faster than about 15 mph on the downhills, but overall it wasn’t too bad with only 3 speeds. I went back to Indian Lake village in the hope that the hardware store there might have bike parts, and I was very pleased to find that they did. I also had to buy a pair of wire cutters since the ones on my folding pliers were not up to cutting cable and the spare cables they had were universal types with a different end on each end of each cable. I am very grateful to Pine’s Country Store True Value Hardware for having what I needed. If they hadn’t I would have had to go home through Inlet to go to the bike shop. Once I got everything back to rights I went over to the tourism building by Adirondack Lake and filled my bottles again and tried to get my hands clean. They were having some sort of quilting group meeting so the place was busy. On my way down to the put-in on Indian Lake I stopped at the picnic tables at the overlook on top of the hill just out of town and had a speedy lunch since it wasn’t raining at the time. The bus from earlier in the day was parked up there too, I guess there wasn’t room for him in the parking lot all day at Chimney Mountain. Right after I packed up my food bag and left the rain began to pour down heavily, and it continued all the way down the lake. I had to stop every mile or so to bail out the canoe, which had 2 or 3 gallons of water in it each time. Shortly before I got to where I hid the bike and put the canoe in the lake the rain stopped. I had tried to put everything important in the dry bags but I had forgotten that my cell phone was in a ziploc type bag in a pocket of the backpack, and the bag leaked enough to get the phone wet. When I got home I was able to leave the phone on a shelf to dry out and after a couple of days I was able to plug it in and once it charged it seems to be its old self again. It’s an old flip phone so it wouldn’t have been a big loss but it’s nice not to have to replace it since I rarely use it anyway. I will make sure to keep my phone in a dry bag in future. My tent, sleeping bag and extra clothes were all in the dry bags so they were fine. I hid the bike and trailer in the woods at the same spot I did two years ago and carried the canoe and camping stuff down 100 yards or so to the lake. Once I had paddled up to the cove where I camp I headed up the hill and found a spot that I think was legal, though I am not completely sure. I used my paddle to measure the distance, though that was somewhat approximate. I measured that I was 140 feet from the edge of the woods, and then there was another 30-40 feet of beach before the water began, so I hope that counted as being 150’ from the lake. On this trip I had a tarp, which is a new thing for me, and this was the only place I set it up. I found a dead fallen tree and cut a piece with a fork on the end to use to hold one end of the tarp up higher since the ground dropped off at one side of the campsite. Having a folding saw was also a new thing for me, and I found it very handy. Previously I have just had a penknife and a butterknife, neither of which would have been much help in this situation. I set up a clothesline with another piece of paracord under the tarp and used it to hang up some of the things that had gotten wet in the downpour, most importantly the foam sleeping pad which was too big to put in a bag. It is not absorbent but it had some water on the surface so I unrolled it and draped it over the line. Then I went down to the beach and looked around, and found a rock that made a comfortable angle to lean back against and moved some of the smaller rocks from in front of it so I could sit on the sand. It was quite comfortable with a bit of padding, and I sat there and read and watched the clouds rising off the hills around the lake. I paddled over to a little rocky island to the south of Camp Island that I could see from the beach but it was too windy to land easily so I didn’t try. Finally it began to sprinkle and I went back to the tent for the rest of the evening. At some point in the night another longer period of heavy rain began, and I was glad to have the tarp as well as the tent fly, and then later in the night the rain stopped and the wind became very strong. I looked out with a flashlight and I could see that the downhill side of the tarp was bellied in and the uphill side was bellied out, but nothing came loose. A few things fell off the clothesline but everything that stayed up was pretty well dry by morning with the help of the wind.

On Wednesday I got up at 5:40 and headed up the lake toward Baldface Mountain. The wind had died down to a light breeze, but about a mile up the lake it picked up a lot of strength and at times I had to paddle as hard as I could just to keep from getting blown backwards. I started out wearing my fleece leggings and jacket but about halfway up the lake it began to rain again and I took them off to keep them dry(ish) but luckily I had gotten warmed up by then from the exercise. I stopped at Paradise Beach to check out the picnic area, and I finally made it to Norman’s Cove and that picnic area around 7:50. I ate breakfast at the picnic table on the beach since the one on the point was too exposed to the wind. I paddled across and went up the trail but could not linger long at the top because of the wind. I took a couple of pictures and went back down, and thought about what to do next. My plan had been to go further north and then loop around west to the Lake Store and get some more cheese and some other food, and I decided to go ahead with it. The wind began to become less as I headed out, and I made it about to the northern end of the section of private land off Jerry Savarie Rd. Then I crossed to the west side and headed south, looking at every dock to try to find the sign for the Lake Store landing. When I did find it it was very well marked, and the sun was beginning to come through while the wind had dropped to a pleasant breeze. I tied the canoe to the dock and got out onto it, which is a new skill for me. The walk up to the road was easy with a little stone stairway and some driveways, and it’s a very short distance along the road to the store. It was a new experience to get supplies by water, and I enjoyed it. The guys at the store had seen me going by the day before in the rain, but I had been too wet to go in the store then. Once I left the dock the day had become very pleasant and I spent the afternoon gunkholing around the islands and shoreline from around Kirpen’s Island down to Crotched Pond Island. I revisited my favorite islands from two years ago and also found some other ones that I really liked, and a nice bit of cliff with a view from about 30 feet up in an inlet. It was great to have more time to explore in this whole area, and there is still more there I would like to see another time. My last stop was at a very fun archipelago between Crotched Pond and Camp islands, with cute little beaches and rock outcroppings. At about 6 I decided to head for camp and watch the moon rise from the beach there. When I got to the cove I found 6 canoes and 3 large matching tents set up on the beach. I landed further down the cove to loop around to my site and see that it hadn’t been messed with. The people who had come in the canoes were eating supper by the stone fireplace in the woods, so I could hear them shouting but I don’t think most of them saw me. They seemed to be mostly kids. I got back in the canoe and paddled as fast as I could the 4 miles or so down to the campground HQ to see if they would do anything about the illegal camping on the beach. It took me almost an hour as I was rather tired from the paddling I had already done that day. I talked to a man in the booth at the campground office and he said that someone had told them at 4 o’clock to move into the woods 150 feet or leave and they had said they would, but that he thinks people just tell the staff what they want to hear, and he didn’t seem surprised that they had still been there at 6:30. He said there was no one to go out then but that someone would be out about 8:30 or 9 in the morning. I headed back up the lake and got back to camp about 9. The people were all on the beach and were getting into their tents. Two of them spoke to me as I approached, and we had a brief but polite conversation. I didn’t mention the illegality of what they were doing as I didn’t have any authority. They told me they were from Deerfoot Lodge, which is a Christian summer camp located between Speculator and Indian Lake, and that they had a bunch of 9 to 12-year-olds with them and would be leaving early in the morning. They said they had been planning to climb Baldface Mountain that day but did not have time to get there. It seems probable to me that the people who run Deerfoot are deliberately gaming the system, knowing that there is no enforcement at night on the lake so they can camp where they please. This does not seem to me to set a good example for the kids they serve, but that is just my opinion and it is none of my business. When I got back I looked up their website and it says a lot about promoting personal growth and responsibility, among other things. On the positive side they seemed friendly and they did not leave a mess when they left. I wonder if they had a permit for their group of 12. The weather that night was quite peaceful in contrast to the previous one, and the moonlight was very bright on my tent wall at times. With the benefit of hindsight I should have just paddled to a nearby area out of earshot and spent the evening in a restful way rather than wasting the effort of paddling all the way down the lake and back, but I didn’t know that at the time.

On Thursday morning the Deerfoot group left about 8 AM, and I ate breakfast on the beach and waited for the authorities to show up. Two men in a boat arrived at about 9:15 and one of them stayed in the boat and talked with me while the other one went around and looked to see that everything was put to rights. The man in the boat asked me if they had left anything around and I said no, other than a bandage on the beach that looked to have fallen off from someone, perhaps not even someone in the group. The group had used the fireplace for cooking again that morning and I told him the fire was not extinguished, but the man in the boat said he was not worried about that since it was contained. I asked him if it would be permissible for me to make a fire in it, even though it was not in a legal camping area and he said that if I wanted to make a fire to cook a hot dog he wouldn’t have a problem with it. I don’t carry hot dogs, but I assume that his statement would extend to other things too, within reason. I also asked him about using a saw to cut dead trees that had fallen in trails and he said that was fine as long as it was dead and down. He asked me if I was camping nearby and I told him I thought I was at a legal distance but I wasn’t totally sure and he said he wasn’t going to measure it, and when his colleague returned he also declined to measure and they left, taking the bandage and a forlorn-looking piece of cloth that the man found somewhere with them in their trash bucket. They were both wearing work boots so I pushed their boat off the beach, and that was the last I saw of them. By that time it was warming up nicely so I headed off to check out the rocky island south of Camp again and then visited the Moose Island picnic area with the shallow sandy channel and mini-islands. It was all very nice, and while I was there I noticed again a couple of small cliffy areas on Moose Mountain that I had seen before. I decided to go over and try to find them, and on the way I found a cute little double waterfall coming down a 6 foot cliff into the lake. I climbed up on it and took some pictures and then headed down the lake a short ways to where I could get a compass bearing from me to the landing beach below Moose Mountain to the cliff. It seemed like it was very close to due east, so I paddled in to the beach. I couldn’t see the mountain from the beach but I headed east into the woods using the little clip-on compass which was all I had with me. In the boulder field below the cliffs I found a huge slab standing up on a narrow side, and a stone sticking out that looked like an unhappy animal face. I went up and down and around the cliffs and finally found a place where I could hold some branches back with one hand and take pictures with the other. I got a couple of fairly clear shots across the lake with the islands in the foreground and the Watch Hill beach behind them. I came back down and headed down the lake to the pair of little unnamed islands at the south end of the main group and looked around at them and then headed back to camp to spend some time resting. I lay on the beach and read my book and gongoozled at the passing watercraft for a couple of hours, and then a pair of large dogs came running down the trail onto the beach and gave me quite a surprise. Luckily they did not seem interested in me, and after a few minutes their owners followed them more slowly out of the woods. I read a little longer and then decided to leave the beach to them for a while and headed up the west side of the lake. The stable flies were very aggressive all of a sudden once I got out on the water and while I could kill them pretty fast with the flyswatter I was not able to operate it and the paddle at the same time, so my progress was rather slow. I headed across the lake to see if the flies were only along that side, but they were out in the middle too. I saw what looked like another rocky area on a hill behind Paradise Beach and tried to find it but failed, but while I was in the woods I found a tree with a lot of gone-by oyster mushrooms and one clump of fresh ones, so I took some of those with me. Luckily I had finished eating the raisins I had brought with me and I had the cardboard can they came in still in my food bag, and I was able to fit all of the mushrooms in there once I got back to the canoe. I went over to the Crotched Pond trail and followed it for half a mile or so. The stream was full of small cascades and it made a very pleasant sound all along the valley there. I headed back to the archipelago in time to watch the sun set while eating supper. The rock wall was angled perfectly to face the sunset so I sat on the beach and leaned against it while I ate and took pictures of the sunset and its reflection in the main lake and in the reflecting pool on the island. The mushrooms made a great addition to that night’s bagel sandwiches. As the light faded I went back to my home beach which was empty again and waited for the moon to rise. The mosquitoes came out before the moon did, but as long as I kept walking around they weren’t too bad. The moon looked huge and orange as it rose, but again the camera made it seem smaller than it felt in person. It was really beautiful, especially when it first came up and was still close to the ground so it looked even bigger. I took a final swim and then went up to the tent and went to sleep.

On Friday I had been planning to have a quiet morning, pack up early and hit the road by noon, but the morning was so perfectly calm and misty that I succumbed to temptation and headed up to Baldface Mountain again. I woke up late, about 6:45, and headed out by 7. By 8 I had reached the picnic area in Norman’s Cove and ate some breakfast there, using my map as a tablecloth since the picnic table was very wet. When I got to the top the mist was starting to lift and I figured I could stay till 9:30 and still have a chance of getting going in time. I took my last bagel with some cheese and more mushrooms up to the top with me along with an orange and ate them while sitting on a nice little stone seat by the edge of the cliff. A chipmunk kept poking his head out at me and then finally got bolder and came out on the shelf below me to watch what I was doing. Some chickadees and a nuthatch also came by once I was sitting still. I picked up some orange peels that had been scattered around at some point in the last couple of days and kept watching as the view grew larger. In a while the mist lifted enough so I could see across the lake, and then pretty soon it was time to go. On the way down I stopped for a couple of minutes and used the folding saw to cut some branches off a tree that had fallen across the path, since the Summer Recreation fellow had said that would be okay. I met one party heading up as I was going down and they asked about the canoe. A lot of people commented on it on this trip, especially when I was in towns. I didn’t try to hide it when I was around the lake this year, I just put it far enough up on shore to be safe from waves and it was always there when I came back, which was nice. Once I got back to the cove I paddled fairly fast back down the lake, making stops at the comma island and Paradise Beach to cool off quickly in the water as the day was becoming quite warm. What wind there was was with me, so that helped too. I got back to Watch Hill beach and found some day users who had probably come down the trail, as I did not see any boats. I landed at the west end of the beach close to my campsite, went up the hill and packed everything away. When I came back to the beach a bunch of kayakers had also arrived and we talked briefly before I left. On the way down the lake I met an older gentleman fishing from the rocky shoreline, but otherwise it was pretty deserted till I got into the SW arm and found a few boatloads of people fishing. I got back to the put-in and got myself organized and ready to roll just before 1 o’clock. I was planning to make it to Nobleboro before dark, so I knew I had to keep moving. The DOT has been putting in lots of my favorite kind of guardrails all along Route 30 and Route 8 where I was that day, so there were good places to stop for a snack when needed. I ate some lunch and got wet again at Mason Lake, where there were a couple of very nice picnic tables and a large pullout. I arrived in Speculator and came to the Big M where I got a little more food and asked if there was a pay phone that worked anywhere in town. The lady at Customer Service said no, not anymore, so I went to the post office across the parking lot and then to the Chamber of Commerce and they all concurred, so I headed south on 30 into the rest of downtown Speculator to see if I could find a small business owner who would take pity on me and let me use their phone for a few dollars. Just after I passed the main intersection I heard a honk and thought I must have broken a traffic rule, but I couldn’t tell what it was. A moment later Swamp Booger and his wife pulled up in front of me. They had seen me at the intersection while they were on their way back to Lewey Lake from paddling Fall Stream. We talked about our trips and other things for a few minutes and then Swamp Booger very generously let me use his phone to call home and tell them I was doing fine and was on my way. After they headed back toward Lewey Lake I followed the road down to the lake to see the rest of the bustling metropolis, and then headed out west on Route 8 toward my last stop. The rest of the afternoon was uneventful, though rather warm. I was planning to stop at the site of the old hiker suspension bridge over West Canada Creek just east of Nobleboro but I missed the turnoff and when I came down the hill at 6:20 and realized I had gone too far I decided I didn’t want to backtrack, so I kept going west after looking at the map. I went south on Gray-Wilmurt Road, right at the edge of my map, and followed it along for almost a mile along the water to a piece of state land which I was pleased to find was marked when I got there. Just 50 feet from the beginning of state land there was a place where the road shoulder stayed level all the way into the woods with no ditch, so I was able to leave the road without having to take the canoe off the trailer. I unhitched the trailer from the bike and moved everything a short way into the woods and then headed toward West Canada Creek to see if I could find a place to get in the water. At first there was a deep gulf or gorge, (I am not sure of the distinction in some cases) that I could not climb into, but there was a herd path along the edge and after a bit the sides got lower and I was able to walk down. The sun was low in the sky and shining right into the gulf, so it was very pretty. I was able to splash around in a backwater out of the main current, which was quite swift. There were lots of handy rocks around too. Once I felt a little fresher I went back up and moved my bike and the trailer with the canoe further into the woods to a place I thought was 150’ from the road, the creek and the private land boundary. I set up a quick camp and then went back to explore the gulf a bit more before the sun set. After eating supper in the tent to stay away from the mosquitoes I hung my food bag and settled in for the night.

On Saturday I got everything back out to the road about 7 and after stopping for a quick photo off the bridge over the creek I headed west again on Route 8. I turned onto 365 and headed for Hinckley Lake, but there was nowhere to get to the water till after I had passed the dam and came to a road with a bridge and an unposted area that looked like an informal canoe launching area. It was already a warm day and it was still somewhat early. I headed for Rome and when I got there I went through downtown, hoping to find a place to fill my water bottles. They were doing some paving and had ground out some 18” wide and 3” deep troughs right across the road in several places, possibly as speed control devices, I don’t know. Both the cars and I had to slow down almost to a stop to cross them. I had to back up once to let a backhoe off the street into a parking area while we were waiting for the flagman to let us through, but the shoulders were clear so it was not too hard. I didn’t find anywhere that looked like it would have a drinking fountain or a public restroom, so I stopped at a garage sale a few miles out of town and the folks there were kind enough to fill my bottles. We talked for a bit and I headed out again. I stopped at a place called the Book Barn on my way into Camden that I had seen before but never had time to visit, and it was interesting. It looked to me like a sound stage for a horror movie set in an abandoned flea market, as it was very dimly lit inside and full of random stuff for sale mixed with dead leaves that appeared to have blown in and pieces of the building that had fallen off, and the smell of mildew was very pervasive. I would not recommend it as a source of books but it was certainly worth a visit if you like bizarre places. I felt a little sick as I was coming through Camden, but in Williamstown I was able to cool off under the bridge and then I felt better. I stopped for a last dip in Pineville, in the Salmon River, and made it home at about 3. When I got in the thermometer read 85 and my mother said it got up to 89 that afternoon. I had about a quarter of a bag of chocolate chips left in my food bag and when I was unpacking and putting things away I found that they had melted together into a semi-liquid state. I was lucky to have an east wind that day which helped me get home, and the southern route I took was less hilly than if I had come home the way I went out.

Overall on this trip I traveled 291 miles on the bicycle with daily average speeds ranging from 10.21 MPH on the day I left Chimney Mountain with only 3 speeds working up to 13.17 MPH on the day I came home. The first day was the longest at 94 miles. The new trailer definitely pulled more smoothly and I was able to coast downhill faster than I could with the old one, getting up to 38 MPH on one occasion. I had to adjust the load to get the right amount of tongue weight, but then it seemed to handle very nicely. I was very lucky to have fair winds on both of my highest-mileage days and the weather overall was very nice. I will hope to return to Indian Lake in two or three years, as there are some other places I would like to visit in the meantime.