vendredi 26 août 2016

‘Steady' ADK club/group/chapter

Hello everyone! I’m very interested in doing the High Peaks (I have done 11 to date); however, I live in Texas, and my husband is starting to be unable to do much backpacking anymore (he has scoliosis).

What I’m looking for is a group/chapter/club that are reliable in doing any hikes/trips that they schedule, hike the high peaks on a regular basis and has a consistent group of ‘core’ people. My thinking is because I buy nonrefundable airline tickets (they’re cheaper), last minute cancellations of trips because of fickleness would be very problematic. Also, if I fly up there, I’d rather just do the High Peaks, so group/chapters that spend a lot of time doing other things won’t work for me. Finally, just as a personal security measure (I’m female), I’d like to backpack with people I can at least kind of get to know ahead of time. My thinking is I would start day hikes with them (my husband can do those) and get to know them.

Any recommendations for any groups? I know that's a tall order, but I thought I would at least ask. --Mary

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