mercredi 31 août 2016

Pattern thoughts

Although it's been years since I graded for my yellow stripe and yellow belts my daughter is currently going through the grades and that's given me some insight I'd missed previously.

Why does saju-jirugi exist? What's it for?
My daughter found chon-ji quite tricky to learn because it is so similar to saju-jirugi. She found getting the direction of the turns very tricky because she'd already learnt to turn another way in saju-jirugi. It seems like a superfluous pattern (and get out of here with the "it's an exercise not a pattern"...calling it an "exercise" doesn't stop it from being exactly like a pattern).
By comparison she's learnt the sequence of Dan-gun much quicker because the moves are more unique and recognisable where they occur in the pattern.
Even the turns in saju-jirugi are unlike the sorts of turns you get in other higher grade patterns. Whereas the turns in chon-ji are replicated right through the other patterns.
Why shouldn't white belts just go straight into learning chon-ji?
I just can't see a reason that saju-jirugi is in there at the start.

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