lundi 29 août 2016

E Peaked Hill 8/29

Parked in the newish TH N of Exit 28 on 9,off by 8ish.Woods rd to the I87 culvert continue on to the T and hung a R.Quickly turns into a a fine herd path with blazes hacheted into trees on the L.After crossing the deep ravineish brook took a hard L up to the col of S and E,at the col headed up to the R for E.Steep slippery red pine needle ascent led to open rock and a stellar view of Hoffman,Blue Ridge and the HP's.Headed back down to the col and 1/2 way up S before my quads started cramping,guess I should do less reading and more hiking but these high dewpoints have been killing my knees.A really nice area and didn't see a single poop and TP if you don't count the deer,horses and bears. Some pics.

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