dimanche 28 août 2016


Hi all, I have been training in Aikido for nearly 7 years and currently at 2nd kyu, I took my last grading in 2014. I have always wanted to achieve my Dan grade but not in an ego way like some but I have become very dissaponted with the whole set up.
I am a big lad over weight but I never give up, always respect my sempai and senses's. For the past two years I have been told I am over weight and unfit and this has really knocked my confidence. I love aikido and found it to be a great release for daily pressures but feel I can't get over the comments of some seniors in my organisation. Also my confidence is low which has never been an issue as I played semi professional rugby, but grading does mean a lot to me and the achievement of a Dan grade is essential for progression, can anyone give me feedback on how to overcome my issues or is it time to find a new martial art, or just enjoy my training

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