dimanche 28 août 2016

Moose River Plains deafening silence

My brother and I were in MRP and West Canada Lakes on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. We did multiple day hikes to places like Falls Pond, Wolf Lake, Mitchell Pond and Helldiver and Icehouse Ponds. This was our first time out there and it was incredibly beautiful. The thing that really stuck out to us was the almost deafening silence - meaning lack of sounds from animal/insect life. On every hike and especially at night it was almost eerily quiet, no birds, crickets, deer or anything else making noise. Living in Florida my whole life, I have camped/backpacked for 30+ years while in Florida and the woods were always noisy at night from some sort of bird, frog, deer, hogs or gators. In MRP there seemed to be nothing...My question... is that normal? Obviously we were looking for solitude and found it, just curious if the area is normally this quiet caused by the seemingly lack of animal life?

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