mardi 23 août 2016

Upper Saranac Lake Angler Diary Program

We're looking for a few good anglers!:)

Join our volunteer angler diary program and help monitor trends in Upper Saranac Lake’s fishery! Its free, its fun, it covers both warmwater species and cold water species, and its active winter and summer. Six anglers have made the commitment to keep diaries for the remainder of 2016. Some have attended a training session to learn about diary-keeping. Ideally, we’d like to have at least 20 cooperators.

Each angler cooperator is given a diary booklet to record information from each of their fishing trips. We ask anglers to record what species they are targeting, how long they fished, how many fish of each species they caught (including whether they were kept or released), and the size of the fish caught. At the end of the fishing season, anglers return the booklets to the Upper Saranac Lake Association (USLA) Environmental Committee. The records from each cooperator will be compiled and a summary will be written which is sent back to cooperators along with a new diary for the following fishing season.

We’ll calculate catch rates and establish length-frequency distributions for important fish species caught and recorded by angler cooperators. A report will be prepared to be sent to cooperators, NYSDEC, the Upper Saranac Foundation and the USLA by April 30, 2017.

Please let me know if you're interested in participating, either with a return post or a private message, and I'll get you set up.:clap:

Good Fishing!

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