mercredi 24 août 2016

Side kick flexibility issues

I have trouble with my side kicks. I am not even sure how common the names of our kicks are with other styles. Sure some I know are common, but some others I suspect have different names. Knife edge, speed thrust (basically a version of a knife edge) and the power thrust are the kicks that come to mind. Power thrust is a side kick where the leg is chambered sideways and you thrust out your leg and return it to a sideways position. Ideally, even with the knee a little lower than the foot- angling up a bit, but I can't do that.

In addition to needing to get them higher, I have pain issues too. When I do slow motion kicks, the side ones sometimes make my lower back spasm for the next couple of days. Stopped me from doing slow motion kicks, but I would like to get back to them.

Pain is in my lower back. I also have just tightness pain in the hip area. I need to go google some hip anatomy, because I am not sure how much of my issue might be hips vs specifically hip flexors.

When I do the power thrust, the tightness and bit of pain is in my standing leg more than my kicking leg. Also, I can't really chamber my leg as far back as it should be- just too tight.

Trying to go higher and do some new stretches caused pain in my left glute that felt like a sciatic pain, but it didn't go too far down the leg. That lasted a few days.

I do stretches, and am trying some new ones recently given to me by instructors as I have talked to them about this issue. But I thought I would pick the brains of you all here too.

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