mercredi 21 décembre 2016

Going to be competing in my first "outside" tournament

I have wanted to do this for years!

I have been doing MA's for over 12 years now. And I do my school's tournament every year. I also go to my GM's tournament when I can afford it. But I have never done a open tournament- one outside my school's federation. And I have really wanted to. I think it would be a great learning experience. That is my motivation.

A few instructors recently went to the Las Vegas tournament. They did very well. (Check out the category second up from the bottom of this page, look for the instructor of our Sifu Don Tittle. They are also listed in other areas. I can't find a listing for the combatives, but they did well there too. )

It's coming to L.A. About a week before our school's tournament. So I will already be in tournament preparation mode, so I am going to do it! I am already doing the prep, why not just add a tournament into the mix?

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a lot of interest among fellow students to get a group going. I was hoping for that, but I am not going to be dissuaded.

What I want most of all, is to test my push hands skills against people trained differently. The rules are a bit different, but the instructors that went can help me with that as I prepare. And the ability to adapt is part of what I want to test.

So, what I really hope for from my fellow MAPpers is some advice. I have never done an open tournament, so I have some ideas from here what to expect, but not totally.

Any advice will be appreciated.

I am planning on doing a CLF hand and weapon form. A TCC hand and weapon form, and the two types of push hands. I am not going to do the CLF sparring as they allow head contact and I just can't risk a head injury/ concussion. I need to work, I need to drive home to San Diego from L.A., go to my school's tournament the week after AND I am slowly getting ready for my CLF black sash test.

So far, I am planning on doing Small Five Animal for my CLF hand form. My instructor and I are going to decide between the butterfly knives and the Broadsword weapon form. I really don't want to have to carry a long weapon up to L.A.

For the TCC, I am leaning towards the 40 for my hand form. I want to do the 48 combination, but am concerned they won't like that as it mixes up elements from other styles. So I thought it best to do a strictly Yang style form. No Fajing, as some people do not understand that Yang style DOES have fajing. It is a comm on misperception about Yang style and I don't want any judge to mistakenly misjudge me based on that. Leaning towards the 54 Gim as my weapon form, Still haven't talked to my TCC teacher about this though. I will.

Please, I am excited and nervous, and could really use advice about doing this. I hope to hear from anyone here, but Ben Gash, I particularly want to hear from you for obvious reasons.

Oh, this is the tournament. So people have a frame of reference for what I am going to be doing.

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