jeudi 1 décembre 2016

Quick Trip Idea(s)

Looking to head up, or out, however you want to word it, the weekend of the 10th. I need help with ideas for a quick scoot in the woods. We will be coming from Rochester after work on Friday, so we want to limit the drive time to about 3.5 hours. I know that keeps us in the western portion of the park. Due to the fact that we are arriving in the dark, and the cold, would be looking for little to no effort to locate a camp spot for Friday night (less than a mile from trail head, or car camp spot) with a less than 15 mile loop or in and out for Saturday into Sunday. Mileage preferably on the shorter side because I am still nursing my knee from my Cold River trip a few weeks back, and, preferably as flat as possible due to my hiking/camping partners concerns.

We did Gull Lake and Sand Lake Falls area in the Black River wild forest during opening day and I am not interested in going back to that area.

Black Friday last year we did the High Falls loop, which is flat as flat, but didn't see any camp sites close to the trail head (from either direction). Are there are car camp/short hike spots in the area we could grab Friday night to facilitate a high falls loop Saturday into Sunday?

Other options in the state closer to Rochester are welcome, but, I get nervous in the smaller state forests during hunting season. When I'm up North, I feel the hunter population is smaller and more widespread throughout the wilderness than in the Southern Tier.

Thanks in advance!


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