lundi 30 septembre 2019

1000 Acre Swamp. WLWF, 30 Sep, 2019

The 1000 ac. Swamp in the Wilcox Lake Wild Forest is one of those places I've driven past many times over the past few years and always longed to explore. I've always been in a hurry to get home or to another destination. "Some day", I always said. Well, since I could only spend a few hours in the woods this morning, today was the day.

Tredhed and I hit the unmarked trailhead on Fox Hollow Rd in the Town of Edinburg.

Walking on snowmobile trails isn't always the greatest adventure, but this was an old logging road, so it had character.

After a few minutes, we came to a sad looking Toyota on the side of the trail.

A hundred yards down the trail, a solid bridge brought us over Little Hans Creek and an access point to the "Swamp".

While the upstream side of the swamp seemed to be mostly grasslands...

...the downstream side had more open water and snags.

After exploring the marshes a little, we set off up the trail and deeper into the "Swamp".

It wasn't long before we started to see moose tracks in the mud. Some were rather fresh.

Just before we had to turn around, we passed a spot where the resident moose had just vigorously marked his territory. It was foul smelling stuff and it took a while before I could get it out of my nose. Too bad ADK Forum doesn't have a scratch and sniff capability. :cry:

Soon enough, we had to turn around and head back to the trailhead. All told, we walked about 3 miles exploring the wilds of Saratoga County.

After getting back to the truck, we had a few minutes to check out the tidy little designated campsite at Albia Pond, a short 3/4 mile up Fox Hill Rd.

The small pond was very scenic and settled in a little nook at the edge of the state land. While only a few hundred yards from the road, it sure had a remote feel to it.

Back in the truck, we drove back down the road and across the blue line to have some lunch at the DEC parking area at Archer Vly. The leaves were pretty much peak and provided a nice backdrop for our soup and sandwich.

I really enjoyed this short explore in an area that I've always overlooked before. While I'm a little disappointed we didn't get to see the moose that made the fresh tracks and that nasty smelling calling card, I was thoroughly please with this mornings adventure. Sometimes, it's good to see things in a different light. I can't wait to get back here on snowshoes!:dance:

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