jeudi 26 septembre 2019

Indian Lake Overnight 9/22

On Sunday, 9/22/19, our group of three humans and two dogs made an overnight trip to Indian Lake Islands Campground site 39.

The campground's kayaks were all rented, so we rented a canoe and brought our own kayak and paddled the 2.5 miles to the camp site. It took us about an hour to reach the site.

As we approached the camp site, we passed three women in kayaks who were paddling the opposite direction. We asked which site they were coming from, and they said they had just stopped and ate lunch at site 39 (our site, which happened to have a "No Picnicking" sign. Hmm).

When we arrived at the site, we noticed some trash and food scraps around. It wasn't terrible, but not what we expected to find. The outhouse was stocked with toilet paper. We set up our tents and hammock and gathered kindling. We had brought our own firewood, purchased from a gas station nearby.

After lunch I went for a swim. The water was chilly but still fine for swimming. The rock ledges at the site made for some fun jumping.

Several motorboats and paddlers went by though out the day and evening. A bunch of ducks swam across the lake and came right up to our camp site hoping to be fed, but we're scared away by the dogs. We also spotted lions and a pair of common mergansers.

The night was warm and the sky was clear—at night the Milky Way was overhead and stars reflected off the lake.

After breakfast the next morning we packed up an began our paddle back to the boat launch. Wind and a bit of rain slowed us down.

This was our first visit to Indian Lake and our first time paddling in a few years. We really enjoyed it and hope to be back in the future.

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