mercredi 25 septembre 2019

Indian Pond/Baldwin Spring, WLWF, 25 Sep, 2019

Today's adventure was a long bumpy drive up the East Stony Creek Rd. in Thurman to explore the Indian Pond trail deep in the Wilcox Lake Wild Forest.

Tredhed stopped by the house early and we hit the road before the school buses.

An hour and a half later, we were at the trailhead on the extremely rocky and rutted East Stony Creek Rd.

The trail generally goes north from the "road" but doesn't exactly follow what the topo map indicates.

The first section takes us next to a large swampy area with great views of Long Tom Ridge.

A strategic placement of a board helps cross the outlet of the large marsh.

While the first hundred yards of trail is kind of hard to follow and liberally marked with ribbons...

...the trail eventually opens up into what you'd expect an old snowmobile trail to be.

Within a very short time, we arrived at the stone dam across the Madison Creek.

The view from the dam was pretty nice.

We then walked a hundred yards up the flow to an old campsite.

Needs work, but it is in a great location.

At the shore of the pond, the views of the huge vly and Mt. Blue were spectacular.

After exploring the area for a good hour, Tredhed and I walked back out the one mile to the East Stony Creek Rd.

We drove to the Baldwin Spring designated campsite and explore the area.

After crossing the East Stony Creek...

We walked the 200 yds to the trail hub at Baldwin Spring.

This is the third or fourth time we've been here in the last few years and it's always impressive; especially the cool water flowing from the spring! :)

Since there was a truck already parked at the Baldwin Spring designated campsite, we got back in the truck and drove back out to the Langworth Creek designated campsite at the old Barber place.

Our lunch location wasn't too bad today.

After our lunch, we walked down to the pond for a quick view of the surrounding area.

Too soon, it was time to head back out over the hill.

The bumpy road was fine for the truck, but as always, I wouldn't recommend it for a low clearance vehicle.

Soon, enough we hit the Wold Pond Rd. and "civilization" where we had this nice view of the Stony Creek as it tumbles out of the hills.

Nuff said.

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