dimanche 1 septembre 2019

One More

I recently discovered an inaccuracy on a USGS map that led me to believe Little Fish Pond, half way between Cranberry and Lows Lake, was not part of the Five Ponds Wilderness. The actual boundary is about 400 ft. further east than depicted. This meant more than 50% of Little Fish is state owned, qualifying it for inclusion to my list of ponds of the Five Ponds. I suddenly had cause for another Five Ponds adventure.

I will again make apologies to anyone who cannot access the link below. I have never learned, nor have I been able to find anyone who has the patience to educate me on the skills needed for sharing photos in any other manner. I understand that many have distain for forums like FB. I do not want this thread to become a debate about social media, but feel compelled to share, in the only means I have, a recent Adirondack adventure.


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