mardi 17 septembre 2019

Grizzle Ocean, PLWA, 17 Sep, 2019

Today was a long overdue revisit to Grizzle Ocean in the Pharaoh Lake Wilderness Area.

Way back in the spring of 2012, this was the first hike that Tredhed and I did when we first started hiking together again after a 25 year gap.

Back then, we thought the trails were so rocky and the hills so steep, we vowed to never return.

Seven years of ADK hiking has taught us that this hike isn't as bad as we remembered.

Arriving at the Putnam Pond Campground, we cheerfully paid the $6 day use fee and parked at the boat launch site. A quick gear check and we were off.

The yellow disked trail brought us down the east shore of Putnam Pond.

After a mile or so, we came to the spur trail to Putnam Pond.

The view from the landing was especially spectacular on this late summer morning.

As we walked the half mile up the Grizzle Ocean outlet stream, we passed a couple that was hiking out of Pharaoh Lake with their two dogs.

Nice folks and beautiful dogs!

A few minutes after encountering the only people we saw all day. we arrived at the loop trail around the lake.

We decided to go counter clockwise around the pond.

Since we went clockwise in 2012, it only made sense to go the other direction this time.

In a few minutes we came to the bridge over the outlet swamp.

The views of Thunderbolt Mountain were nice from the bridge.

Just after crossing the bridge, we turned left on the sparsely marked red trail that looped around the pond.

We stopped at a rocky point on the west shore of the pond to soak up some scenery.

Feeling a little peckish, we continued on the red loop trail until we came to the lean-to.

Here, we dropped our packs and had a little gnosh.

After feasting on our meager rations, we picked up a few small pieces of litter and explored some.

The views from the east shore were pretty nice.

After a while, all that was left to do was say good-bye to the well kept lean-to...

...and head back down the trail to the Putnam Pond parking area.

While driving back down I-87, we made a vow not to wait seven years until we returned to Grizzle Ocean.

It's too nice of a destination not to visit on a regular basis. So, notch up another great hike in the Pharaoh Lake Wilderness for Tick and Tred. :dance:

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