dimanche 22 septembre 2019

Grace Peak

Hiked in on a Tuesday and setup my tent for three nights. Had my two dogs with me. In all my years of coming up here from Cleveland, I have never seen such perfect weather (also spent two nights at Art Devlin's). Been struggling for the past year with my right knee, and between packing in and the climb up Grace, I sure did a number on it. Though I struggled because of it, I know my body well enough to know that I was still going to make it. Took many hours to accomplish, but accomplish we did. Didn't do the slide but chose the safer herd path. Hell, stepped out one time to get a couple of shots of Grace and I slipped 10'. No thank you, I'll leave that slide stuff to the younger folks. Everything about this trip was great, and I will never grow tired of driving into Lake Placid and that amazing surrounding view. Try as I might, I once again failed to find that 1/2 mile in river crossing. Got across after the falls and a little bushwhack. Lost the trail one time before getting to my campsite, but found it quick enough. Also missed a right hand turn partway up Grace, but again, found it without too much delay. Couple of the rocky creek crossings I needed to look around in order to find the trail. It was all good.

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